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Agenda item
Budget Monitoring Outturn Report P8
Cabinet Approved:
- The acceptance and adjustment to the Council budget for the following grants as outlined in Appendix A, Section 9:
a) Workforce Recruitment and Retention Fund, round 2 of £2.535m
b) COVID Business Support Grant - Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant for the period 21 December 2021 to 31 March 2022 - £4.356m
c) COVID Business Support Grant - Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) for the period 30 December 2021 to 31 March 2022 - £0.794m
d) COVID New Burdens 4 Restart and the Additional Restrictions COVID-19 Grant Schemes of £0.154m
e) COVID New Burdens 5 Post Payment Assurance, Reconciliation and Debt Recovery Funding of £0.048m
f) COVID-19 Business Support Grant - Additional Relief Fund (CARF) - £13.728m
g) The Community Vaccine Champions Programme grant award - £0.485m following the urgent bid submission to the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities.
2. The COVID-19 Business Support Grants - Additional Restrictions Grant Policy for the period to 31 March 2022(Appendix B) and to delegate authority to the Chief finance Officer in consultation with the Deputy Mayor, Cabinet member for Finance, Governance, Property and Culture to approve the final prioritisation criteria and business award values once all the applications to the fund have been processed.
Cabinet noted:
1. The forecasted overspend position of £0.7m within the General Fund.
2. The General Fund risks within service areas of non-COVID-19 related overspend on services which continue to be managed via management actions /mitigations within the financial year.
3. The ongoing risks associated with the forecast outturn and the long-term financial impact on the Council as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
4. A forecast underspend of £0.65m within the Housing Revenue Account.
5. A forecast in-year deficit of £16.8m and a total £26.8m carried forward deficit in the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Account (DSG).
6. A breakeven position on Public Health services.
7. A forecast £38.9m underspend against the latest approved Capital Programme’s Budget.
Supporting documents:
Decision pathway Report Template P8, item 8.
PDF 668 KB
P08 Appendix A - Revenue Budget Monitoring, item 8.
PDF 811 KB
P08 Appendix A1 - People, item 8.
P08 Appendix A2 - Resources, item 8.
PDF 607 KB
P08 Appendix A3 - Growth and Regeneration, item 8.
PDF 770 KB
P08 Appendix A4 - HRA, item 8.
PDF 728 KB
P08 Appendix A5 - DSG, item 8.
PDF 509 KB
P08 Appendix A6 - Public Health, item 8.
PDF 537 KB
ARG Policy Appendix B, item 8.
PDF 374 KB