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Agenda item

Healthy Weight


The Consultant in Public Health and Public Health Registrar introduced the report.


  • The Chair noted that a Whole System approach needed to be owned properly managed for postive impact.


  • It was noted that issues around health inequalities had been raised, and it was important to raise awareness of healthy eating within this; but that to tackle these complex issues required city-wide commitment and a measured approach.  Members were advised that a manged approach was required, owned by the Public Health team, with oversight of the Health & Wellbeing Board, and embedded across other areas and strategic boards.


  • Members heard that this approach was joined up and created leverage for change – it meant close working with planning and housing colleagues and others to get away from short termism and create a long-term approach.  


  • The Commission heard that the strategy included working closely with, and learning from, communities to roll out the right approaches, countering short term funding by building a community developed insight approach where, should the funding end for a project, there would be ongoing activity in communities.


  • The Director of Communities and Public Health advised the Commission that this was a global and national issue, and it was expected this would be government policy in the future.  Bristol was ahead of the curve, with local policies which included restrictions placed on fast food outlets close to schools.


  • A Member recommended green space be utilised for growing food in communities; and the Chair recommended the allotment policy should be reviewed to ensure wide access and use; the Commission was advised the Public Health team worked closely with the Parks and allotments teams.


  • There was a discussion about how people were encouraged to take part in activity and sport, and members were referred to the Sport and Physical Activities Strategy 2020-25. It aimed for everyone to have the opportunity and ability to be active, and it was closely linked to the focus on healthy eating – part of the whole systems approach.


  • There was a discussion about weight management services, and that these had not worked previously, and the Commission heard that the focus for this piece of work was to gain community insight, and to ask communities how they would like support to look. This approach would utilise the assets in the communities.  Insight enabled a service to be designed that met the needs of communities, and tackled issues related to, and that had impact on, weight and healthy eating.


  • There was a discussion around ultra-processed foods and whether there should be regulation, and the Commission was informed that locally, the Council is part of a wider system and partner organisations would engage with government on those issues; that local focus was on use of licencing powers, communication, and enabling local transparency and understanding around those issues.


  • Members were advised that the government had produced a national food strategy, and the council was waiting for the White Paper to be published which would contain opportunities for funding and pilots.


Chair welcomed the report and recommended the sub-Committee heard more and all Councillors should be involved in its continued development.




  • The report be noted.
  • Commission members be updated with progress and all Councillors have the opportunity to support the strategy’s development.


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