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Agenda item
Strategic Transport Plans
The Head of City Transport introduced the item and shared a presentation on the Strategic Transport Plans.
A Member asked if the council would revisit plans for the Henbry loop now that plans for an Arena in Bristol had moved from the City Centre to Filton, but officers advised that this would not be reconsidered due to the cost.
Members also asked if there were any plans for the future of the number 2 bus route and officers confirmed that engagement for the route had concluded in January 2022 and that the team were currently working through responses.
A Member asked how much had been spent to date on engagement for the Liveable Neighbourhoods pilot in East Bristol. The Head of Transport advised that they didn’t have the data to hand but would follow up with Members after the meeting.
Action: The Head of City Transport to provide Commission Members with information on the total spend to date on engagement for the Liveable Neighbourhoods pilot in East Bristol.
A Member asked if there was any scope for a development similar to CPNN (Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood) in Southmead. Officers advised that various options were considered but none made a difference to the current transport network, which was an ongoing issue in the area however, the team were looking at cycling improvements.
Members raised concerns around the lack of strategic transport plans for South Bristol, specifically around active travel routes, and asked if road improvements would be made around the Bamfield and Airport Road junction to make it safer as part of upcoming BoKlok developments in the area. The Head of City Transport advised that this would be raised with the relevant officers and further information could be provided after the meeting.
Action: The Head of City Transport to provide Commission Members with further information on plans for the roads surrounding the upcoming BoKlok developments in South Bristol.
There was a conversation around mass transit corridors in East Bristol and how it links in with the Liveable Neighbourhoods pilot. Officers advised that Church Road is the main corridor currently from Bristol East, but the road is too narrow for more cycle or bus lanes. Ideally, Liveable Neighbourhoods would allow a route that runs parallel to Church Road. Members noted that Church Road is a destination and not just a through route and that improving walking and cycling in the area was a priority.
Members raised concerns around quality of bus services in Hengrove and noted that residents feel cut off. Officers noted that this was challenging as the bus services were commercially run so will prioritise areas where people use them the most but that the Clean Air Zone would help protect those services as it will encourage more people to use the bus.
A Member asked if there was anything that the council could do to help subsidise buses for young people and were advised that there are cheaper ticket options for young people and that there are other options such as buying annual tickets to reduce the price.
A Member asked how much the Eastville viaduct renewal would cost and officers advised that they had been meeting National Highways who were still working up plans for the renewal which wouldn’t be funded in this period.
Supporting documents:
Strategic Transport Plans Cover Report, item 22.
PDF 393 KB
Scrutiny Strategic Transport Plans 2022, item 22.