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Agenda item

22.01199.PB Former School Site, New Fosseway School BS14 9LN


The Officer’s presentation:


a.       The application relates to the land of the former New Fosseway School in Hengrove.  The site is located to the north of New Fosseway Road and to the west of the rear gardens of 625 to 681 Wells Road.  This site is 3.4 hectares in size.  The main access to the site is located between 12 and 14a New Fosseway Road.  The northern end of the site is bounded by 1 to 7 Petherton Road, however there is no access from Petherton Road. 

b.       The outline application, with all matters reserved except for means of access, is for the provision of up to 200 residential dwellings including extra care facility; along with car parking; landscaping and associated infrastructure.

c.       Plans and photographs were shared of the site.

d.       The outcome of the public consultation; of the 18 comments received; 17 objections; one general comment. The second round of consultation following changes to the proposal to mitigate road safety concerns resulted in 16 objections.

e.       Concerns had been raised concerning the distance between the boundary and the development.  The design included the designated 21 metres distance between properties.

f.        The development includes dwellings identified as ‘extra care’ accommodation; future residents are projected to have lower levels of vehicle ownership.

g.       Officers recommended that committee grant the outline planning permission, subject to delegation to officers to finalise planning agreement and agree conditions.


Questions for Clarification

h.       212 car parking spaces are included in the development; this is considered adequate to meet the needs of carers visits to clients.

i.         The two secondary schools in the vicinity create high footfall and traffic at the start and end of the school day; members asked if the two education settings had been consulted on the development; ask about the provision for highway adjustments to mitigate safety risks.

j.         The access road, as it exists now, will not be available to the school for overflow parking; not all of the existing highway issues will be resolved by this development; the scheme would look to make modification to the highway and these adjustments will mitigate a number of the issues.

k.       The land had been previously developed; seen as having previously been used for human activity therefore designated ‘brown-field land’ and not green-field.

l.         Members sought clarification on the term ‘outline’ application and what could be considered at this stage.  The outline plan provides some details but should be considered as the framework for future design.  The detail would be considered when the reserved matters are presented to committee.  The future reserve application must align with the outline application; must adhere to the access and highways agreement set out in the outline application.

m.     Officers did not anticipate a change in the designation of the development because demand is high for affordable extra care developments.

n.       Officers noted the concerns expressed by members that they are being asked to consider an outline application with all other matters, that they would normally comment on, assigned to a, reserved application to be present in the future.


o.       Cllr Poultney noted that there was an unmet need for this type of accommodation; had some concerns that so much of the development would be considered in future reserved applications.

p.       Cllr Jackson happy to vote in favour as he was aware of the need and demand for assisted living accommodation.

q.       Cllr Alexander expressed her support due to the demand for this type of development.

r.        Chair moved, and Cllr Jackson seconded, that the committee support the officer recommendation to grant this ‘Out line application’, with the conditions set out in the report and further amended in the Amendment Sheet

s.        When put to the vote:

RESOLVED: (7 for; 0 against;) To Grant the outline planning permission, subject to planning agreements and conditions set out in the report together with those detailed in the Amendment Sheet.


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