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Agenda item

Public Forum

NB. up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item


Any member of the public or councillor may participate in Public Forum. The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda.


Please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:


Questions - Written questions must be received 3 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be received via email at the latest by 5 pm on 23 January 2023.


Petitions and Statements - Petitions and statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting. For this meeting this means that your submission must be received via email at the latest by 12.00 noon on 26 January 2023.


The following public forum business was received for the meeting. 






Suzanne Audrey

As far as I am aware, four members of the working group voted against holding the governance referendum, two members wrote articles during the run-up to the referendum saying they opposed the committee model, and two members (including the Chair) currently serve in the Mayor's Cabinet, some members of which continue to make disparaging remarks about the committee system. What reassurance can you give to the public that those members of the working group who opposed the governance referendum and/or the committee model are now working positively to develop the new committee model of governance for the city?


Answer: This is a question for individual Councillors and should be directed to them as appropriate, however anyone in attendance at the meeting may choose to respond.


Suzanne Audrey

The Vice-chair of the governance working group appeared to suggest that only '12 nerds' across the city were interested in the early meetings of the committee model working group. I disagree, and the public engagement meeting I attended would suggest that there are plenty of people who are keen to understand and improve local democracy. However, it is not always easy for people to attend meetings or to get their voices heard. In what ways will the working group engage citizens in the development and understanding of the new committee model of governance?


Answer: The Committee Model Working Group has prepared a Communications and Engagement Strategy which sets out Members’ commitment to engaging with the public and the ways in which they will do this. In addition to the activities set out in the Strategy, meetings of the CMWG will now be held in public, which provides residents with the opportunity to submit statements and ask questions, even if they are not able to attend in person.


Joanna Booth

How have they ensured that scrutiny will be done outside the committees themselves so that those performing executive functions do not also scrutinise their own actions?


Answer: The Committee Model Working Group will be considering the approach to scrutiny at a future meeting.


Joanna Booth

How is the committee ensuring that the system that will come into place in May 2024, will have sufficient resources (i.e., won't be affected by the Labour administration's cuts to Democratic Services) to perform its functions?


Answer: Discussions about the resources required to support the committee system will take place when more details about the potential structure are available.


Joanna Booth

At a recent public meeting, the chair, Cllr Helen Holland, implied the group was looking at how to create a 'strong leader' model. This is not what Bristol voted for. How is the committee planning to make sure we have a committee system, which the people voted for, and not a leader and cabinet system?


Answer: The referendum on the Council’s governance will result in a move to the Council being run by ‘one or more Committees made up of elected Councillors.’ Councillor Holland may wish to comment further on this question.




PQ01. Councillor Beech responded to advise that she was not aware that the Labour Group had criticised the decision to move to a Committee Model following the referendum and that Members were working together to deliver a system that reflected the needs of local residents.


Supplementary question from Suzanne Audrey: Do you agree that existing funding should be retained to support the Committee system?


Councillor Holland responded to confirm that she had effectively supported several governance structures during her time as an elected representative.  She went on to state that once details of the Committee system were known the resources required to deliver it could then be identified. 


Councillor Bartley and Councillor Eddy added that Members of the Group had been working together collaboratively and positively.


Supplementary question from Suzanne Audrey:  Are there any plans to webcast meetings of the CMWG?


PQ02. The Head of Democratic Engagement stated that the Council was in the process of moving towards delivery of increased webcasting and hybrid meetings.


Following the formal public forum, the Chair allowed an additional contribution from a member of the public who was present at the meeting. Mary Page inquired about whether the Committee planned to engage with representatives of the groups that campaigned in relation to the outcome of the referendum. In response, Members advised that the Committee would shortly be finalising its Communications and Engagement Strategy, which would include liaison with a range of external partners.


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