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Agenda item
Budget Report 2023
The Full Council considered a report setting out the Mayor’s 2023-2024 budget recommendations.
The Lord Mayor drew Members attention to the budget procedure to be followed. At this point, on the motion of the Lord Mayor, it was:
RESOLVED That the relevant standing orders be suspended, noting that the procedure to be followed at this meeting is at variance with the Council’s standing orders.
The Mayor introduced the budget report.
Councillor Cheney, Deputy Mayor for Finance, Governance and Performance seconded the report.
The leaders of each party group, Cllrs Edwards, Pearce, Weston, Clark and Hopkins each responded to the budget proposals.
Councillors Dyer and Gollop presented comments on behalf of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board and Resources Scrutiny Commission.
The Mayor responded to the points raised.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned for 30 minutes to resolve technical issues with IT equipment.
Full Council then considered and debated each of the proposed budget amendments as follows:
Amendment No.1 - Knowle Community Party Budget Amendment
1.1 Loan to Jubilee Pool for capital investment.
1.2 Reduce Capital Contingency to facilitate loan.
Councillor Hopkins moved the amendment, seconded by Councillor Davies.
Following debate, upon being put to the vote on both elements of the amendment, the amendment was REJECTED (24 FOR, 41 AGAINST, 1 ABSTENTION)
Amendment No.3 - Knowle Community Party Budget Amendment
3.1 Revenue grant to Jubilee Pool to facilitate public health benefits in the community.
3.2 Draw down from the public health reserve - fixed value.
Councillor Hopkins moved the amendment, seconded by Councillor Davies.
Following debate, upon being put to the vote on both elements of the amendment, the amendment was REJECTED (22 FOR, 43 AGAINST, 2 ABSTENTIONS)
Amendment No.2 - Knowle Community Party Budget Amendment
2.1 Parks and open spaces development in Knowle and Windmill Hill wards.
2.2 Earmark Parks and Open Spaces Capital Receipt.
Councillor Hopkins moved the amendment, seconded by Councillor Davies.
Following debate, upon being put to the vote on both elements of the amendment, the amendment was CARRIED (63 FOR, 0 AGAINST, 0 ABSTENTIONS)
Amendment No.4 – Green Party Budget Amendment
4.1 The design and business case development of a Liveable Neighbourhood scheme in the BS3 area of South Bristol.
4.2 Allocate of Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood Funding to the design and Business Case development.
Councillor Dyer moved the amendment, seconded by Councillor Plowden.
Following debate, upon being put to the vote on both elements of the amendment, the amendment was CARRIED (66 FOR, 0 AGAINST, 0 ABSTENTIONS)
Amendment No.5 – Green Party Budget Amendment
5.1 Use or repurpose currently unallocated Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) receipts.
5.2 Use of strategic CIL to create a strategic capital fund for Parks and Green Spaces.
5.3 Use of strategic CIL to create a strategic capital fund for G&R Transport budget to
deal with rising city population and greater pressures.
Councillor Fodor moved the amendment, seconded by Councillor McAllister.
Following debate, upon being put to the vote on both elements of the amendment, the amendment was CARRIED (66 FOR, 0 AGAINST, 0 ABSTENTIONS)
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned for 15 minutes.
Amendment No.6 – Conservative Party Budget Amendment
6.1 Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme - introduce a flat rate 15% reduction in support for working age households.
6.2 Drawdown from Resilience Reserves 23/24 and replenish annually from 24/25 and beyond.
6.3 Remove NEW 5: new parking charges for small district car parks
6.4 Remove NEW 6: Increase garden waste service charge
6.5 Remove NEW 7: Increase in chargeable domestic waste service charges
6.6 Remove NEW 8: Bulky waste - upholstered furniture charges
6.7 Remove NEW 9: Replacement bin charges
6.8 Remove NEW 10: Charging for DIY waste at recycling centres.
6.9 Remove NEW 11: Charging for processing and delivery of recycling containers.
6.10 Remove NEW 12: Charging for collection of Christmas trees
6.11 Commission a new TRO to supplement existing parking restrictions on Durham Downs (One-off).
6.12 Increase planning (applications) capacity (one year only)
6.13 Increase planning (enforcement) team.
6.14 Increase Neighbourhood enforcement team.
6.15 Improve Highways Inspections and maintenance of gullies, gutters and drains.
6.16 Dedicated funding for investment in parks ineligible for strategic CIL spending
programme (One-off).
Councillor Smith moved the amendment, seconded by Councillor Geater.
Following debate, upon being put to the vote on both elements of the amendment, the amendment was REJECTED (14 FOR, 50 AGAINST, 0 ABSTENTIONS)
Amendment No.7 – Conservative Party Budget Amendment
As amendment 5 was carried, amendment 7 falls automatically as it concerns the same budget area.
Amendment No.8 – Liberal Democrat Party Budget Amendment
8.1 Reduce amount allocated to legal defences of SEND appeals.
8.2 Fund additional caseworker to help improve assessment times for SEND cases.
8.3 Invest in a specialist caseworker to conduct case reviews of disputed cases and provide resolutions.
Councillor Kent moved the amendment, seconded by Councillor Clark.
Following debate, upon being put to the vote on both elements of the amendment, the amendment was REJECTED (66 FOR, 0 AGAINST, 0 ABSTENTIONS)
Amendment No.9 – Liberal Democrat Party Budget Amendment
9.1 Reversal of proposed charges for processing and delivery of recycling containers (One off 23/24).
9.2 Reversal of proposed charges for collection of Christmas Trees (One-off 23/24).
9.3 Reversal of proposed charges for DIY disposal at recycling centres (One-off 23/24).
9.4 Draw down from the Climate and Ecological Reserve-One off.
Councillor Brown moved the amendment, seconded by Councillor Classick.
Following debate, upon being put to the vote on both elements of the amendment, the amendment was REJECTED (20 FOR, 46 AGAINST, 0 ABSTENTIONS)
Amendment No.10 – Liberal Democrat Party Budget Amendment
10.1 Increase the supported bus services grant for 12 months.
10.2 Draw down from the Climate and Ecological Reserve-One off.
Councillor Brown moved the amendment, seconded by Councillor Kent.
Following debate, upon being put to the vote on both elements of the amendment, the amendment was REJECTED (23 FOR, 40 AGAINST, 1 ABSTENTIONS)
At the conclusion of the Full Council’s consideration of, and voting on the individual budget amendments, the Section 151 Officer clarified (under section 7 of the procedure) that Amendments 2, 4, 5 and 8 had been CARRIED.
On the motion of the Lord Mayor, the Full Council noted the Section 151 Officer’s statement regarding the robustness of the budget estimates.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned for 15 minutes.
On the meeting being reconvened, the Lord Mayor indicated that the Mayor had decided he was willing to accept the budget as amended.
There was a debate on the budget as amended.
Full Council NOTED
a) The report from Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (OSMB) and/or the Resources Scrutiny Commission will be published separately.
b) The budget consultation process that was followed and feedback as outlined in Section 18 and Appendix 6.
c) The categorisation of earmarked reserves and provisions set out in Section 15.
d) That the budget consultation feedback and equality impact assessments have been taken into consideration and have informed the final budget proposals.
e) The feedback provided by Bristol Schools Forum for Cabinet and Council, for consideration in making final decisions on the Dedicated Schools Budget for 2023/24 as set out in Appendix 14.
f) The Statement of the Chief Finance Officer (s151 Officer) on the robustness of the budget and adequacy of reserves as set out in Section 17.
It was RESOLVED that Full Council AGREED: (23 FOR, 18 AGAINST with 25 ABSTENTIONS)
g) The Bristol City Council levels of Council Tax increase of 4.99%; which includes 2% precept to support Adult Social Care, noting the precepts of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset and the Avon Fire Authority.
h) The Council’s General Fund net revenue budget for the year 2023/24 as £483.5 million and expenditure allocations as set out in Appendix 1; subject to any budget amendments properly notified to and approved by the council in line with the Constitution.
i) That supplementary estimates be approved as part of the Budget 2023/24 Report in the case that they are required to meet Q3 2022/23 full year forecast spending requirements (see appendix 15 i,ii,iii)
j) The council’s capital budget and programme for the years 2023/24 – 2032/33, totalling £2.0 billion
k) The strategic Community Infrastructure levy allocations in section 11 are approved.
l) The proposed Treasury Management Strategy for 2023/24 in Appendix 4, incorporating the Minimum Revenue Provision policy and the prudential indicators and limits.
m) To approve the Strategy for the Flexible use of Capital Receipts as set out in Appendix 5.
n) To approve the additional Council Tax premiums relating to empty and second homes outlined in Appendix 12 be applied from 1 April 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter, subject to the required legislation being in place.
It was RESOLVED that Full Council AGREED: (63 FOR, 0 AGAINST, 3 ABSTENTIONS)
o) The distribution of the 2023/24 Dedicated Schools Grant of £453.2 million as recommended by Cabinet and the Schools Forum, summarised below, and set out in Section 9.
i. The Schools Block budget set at £323.8 million, after transferring £1.6 million of the overall Schools Block to the High Needs Block to support the Education Transformation programme.
ii. The Growth Fund for established schools expanding in September 2023 be set at £2.0 million (a component of the total Schools Block budget).
iii. The basis for distributing the funding to mainstream schools be as set out and agreed by Schools Forum, noting that this does not include £10.7 million Mainstream Schools Additional Grant where schools level allocation will be available in Spring 2023.
iv. The High Needs Block budget be set at £88.1 million, after receiving transfers of £1.6 million from Schools Block.
v. The Early Years Block budget be set at £38.5 million and distributed in line with the arrangements agreed with the Schools Forum, noting income will fluctuate, according to participation levels.
It was RESOLVED that Full Council AGREED: (66 FOR, 0 AGAINST, 0 ABSTENTIONS)
p) With regards to the HRA
i. The HRA Revenue budget of £137.4 million for 2023/24 as set out in Section 11.
ii. A rent increase of 7% with effect from 3 April 2022, applicable to Housing Revenue Account (HRA) dwelling and non-dwelling rent.
iii. Note the refreshed HRA 30-year outline business plan and finance model established within the affordability principles in the capital strategy, and that this will be subject to annual review and in-depth review on a rolling 5-year basis. summarised in Section 11.
q) To the Director of Finance after consultation with Designated Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Finance, Governance and Performance and the Mayor, to make any necessary technical adjustments that may be required to the budget with transfers to and or from reserves as appropriate.
r) To the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Designated Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Finance, Governance and Performance, to set HRA service charges in line with the anticipated and actual cost of running each service.
s) To Cabinet to approve (subject to consultation where required and Bristol’s Schools Forum’s endorsement) the Delivering Better Value in SEND intervention programme’ and further mitigation proposals for commencement in 2023/24.
t) To Director of Finance in consultation with Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Finance, Governance and Performance and the Mayor to adjust the budget for the £1.9 million Energy Bill Support Scheme Alternative Funding Grant for Bristol and develop and implement the policy to facilitate the administration of this scheme.
Amendment 1 – Knowle Community Party |
Cllr Don Alexander |
Against |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
For |
Cllr Amal Ali |
Against |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
Against |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
Against |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
Against |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
Against |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
Against |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
Against |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
For |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
Against |
Cllr Jos Clark |
For |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
For |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
Against |
Cllr Chris Davies |
For |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
Against |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
Against |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
Against |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
For |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
Against |
Cllr Jude English |
Against |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
Against |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
Against |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
Against |
Cllr John Geater |
For |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
N/A |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
For |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
Against |
Cllr John Goulandris |
For |
Cllr Katy Grant |
Against |
Cllr Fi Hance |
Against |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
Against |
Cllr Helen Holland |
Against |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
For |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
Against |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
For |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
Against |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
Against |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
Against |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
For |
Cllr Ellie King |
Against |
Cllr Heather Mack |
Against |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
Abstain |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
Against |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
Against |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
For |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
Against |
Cllr Graham Morris |
For |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
Against |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
Against |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
For |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
For |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
For |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
Against |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
Against |
Cllr James Scott |
For |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
For |
Cllr Steve Smith |
For |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
Against |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
For |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
Against |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
For |
Cllr Mark Weston |
For |
Cllr David Wilcox |
Against |
Cllr Chris Windows |
For |
Cllr Tim Wye |
Against |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
Against |
For |
24 |
Against |
41 |
Abstain |
1 |
Amendment 3 – Knowle Community Party |
Cllr Don Alexander |
Against |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
For |
Cllr Amal Ali |
Against |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
Against |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
Against |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
Against |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
Against |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
Against |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
Against |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
For |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
Against |
Cllr Jos Clark |
For |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
For |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
Against |
Cllr Chris Davies |
For |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
Against |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
Against |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
Against |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
For |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
Against |
Cllr Jude English |
Against |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
Against |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
Against |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
Against |
Cllr John Geater |
For |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
Against |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
For |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
Against |
Cllr John Goulandris |
For |
Cllr Katy Grant |
Against |
Cllr Fi Hance |
Against |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
Against |
Cllr Helen Holland |
Against |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
For |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
Against |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
For |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
Against |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
Against |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
Against |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
For |
Cllr Ellie King |
Against |
Cllr Heather Mack |
Against |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
Against |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
Against |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
Against |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
For |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
Against |
Cllr Graham Morris |
For |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
Against |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
Against |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
Abstain |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
For |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
For |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
Against |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
Against |
Cllr James Scott |
For |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
For |
Cllr Steve Smith |
For |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
Against |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
Abstain |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
Against |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
For |
Cllr Mark Weston |
For |
Cllr David Wilcox |
Against |
Cllr Chris Windows |
For |
Cllr Tim Wye |
Against |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
Against |
For |
22 |
Against |
43 |
Abstain |
2 |
Amendment 2 – Knowle Community Party |
Cllr Don Alexander |
For |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
For |
Cllr Amal Ali |
For |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
For |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
For |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
For |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
For |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
For |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
For |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
For |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
For |
Cllr Jos Clark |
For |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
For |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
For |
Cllr Chris Davies |
For |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
For |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
For |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
For |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
For |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
For |
Cllr Jude English |
For |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
For |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
For |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
N/A |
Cllr John Geater |
For |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
For |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
For |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
For |
Cllr John Goulandris |
For |
Cllr Katy Grant |
For |
Cllr Fi Hance |
For |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
For |
Cllr Helen Holland |
For |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
For |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
For |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
For |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
For |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
For |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
For |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
For |
Cllr Ellie King |
For |
Cllr Heather Mack |
For |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
N/A |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
For |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
For |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
For |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
For |
Cllr Graham Morris |
For |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
For |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
For |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
For |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
N/A |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
For |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
For |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
For |
Cllr James Scott |
For |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
For |
Cllr Steve Smith |
For |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
For |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
For |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
For |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
N/A |
Cllr Mark Weston |
For |
Cllr David Wilcox |
For |
Cllr Chris Windows |
For |
Cllr Tim Wye |
For |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
For |
For |
63 |
Against |
0 |
Abstain |
0 |
Amendment 4 – Green Party |
Cllr Don Alexander |
For |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
For |
Cllr Amal Ali |
For |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
For |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
For |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
For |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
For |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
For |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
For |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
For |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
For |
Cllr Jos Clark |
For |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
For |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
For |
Cllr Chris Davies |
For |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
For |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
For |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
For |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
For |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
For |
Cllr Jude English |
For |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
For |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
For |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
N/A |
Cllr John Geater |
For |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
For |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
For |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
For |
Cllr John Goulandris |
For |
Cllr Katy Grant |
For |
Cllr Fi Hance |
For |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
For |
Cllr Helen Holland |
For |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
For |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
For |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
For |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
For |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
For |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
For |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
For |
Cllr Ellie King |
For |
Cllr Heather Mack |
For |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
For |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
For |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
For |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
For |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
For |
Cllr Graham Morris |
For |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
For |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
For |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
For |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
For |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
For |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
For |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
For |
Cllr James Scott |
For |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
For |
Cllr Steve Smith |
For |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
For |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
For |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
For |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
For |
Cllr Mark Weston |
For |
Cllr David Wilcox |
For |
Cllr Chris Windows |
For |
Cllr Tim Wye |
For |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
For |
For |
66 |
Against |
0 |
Abstain |
0 |
Amendment 5 – Green Party |
Cllr Don Alexander |
For |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
For |
Cllr Amal Ali |
For |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
For |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
For |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
For |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
For |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
For |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
For |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
For |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
For |
Cllr Jos Clark |
For |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
For |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
For |
Cllr Chris Davies |
For |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
For |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
For |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
For |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
For |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
For |
Cllr Jude English |
For |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
For |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
For |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
N/A |
Cllr John Geater |
For |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
For |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
For |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
For |
Cllr John Goulandris |
For |
Cllr Katy Grant |
For |
Cllr Fi Hance |
For |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
For |
Cllr Helen Holland |
For |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
For |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
For |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
For |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
For |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
For |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
For |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
For |
Cllr Ellie King |
For |
Cllr Heather Mack |
For |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
For |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
For |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
For |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
For |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
For |
Cllr Graham Morris |
For |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
For |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
For |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
For |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
For |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
For |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
For |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
For |
Cllr James Scott |
For |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
For |
Cllr Steve Smith |
For |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
For |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
For |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
For |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
For |
Cllr Mark Weston |
For |
Cllr David Wilcox |
For |
Cllr Chris Windows |
For |
Cllr Tim Wye |
For |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
For |
For |
66 |
Against |
0 |
Abstain |
0 |
Amendment 6 – Conservative Party |
Cllr Don Alexander |
Against |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
For |
Cllr Amal Ali |
Against |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
N/A |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
Against |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
Against |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
Against |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
Against |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
Against |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
Against |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
Against |
Cllr Jos Clark |
Against |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
Against |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
Against |
Cllr Chris Davies |
Against |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
Against |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
Against |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
Against |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
For |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
Against |
Cllr Jude English |
Against |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
Against |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
Against |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
Against |
Cllr John Geater |
For |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
Against |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
For |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
Against |
Cllr John Goulandris |
For |
Cllr Katy Grant |
Against |
Cllr Fi Hance |
Against |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
Against |
Cllr Helen Holland |
Against |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
Against |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
Against |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
For |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
Against |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
Against |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
Against |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
Against |
Cllr Ellie King |
Against |
Cllr Heather Mack |
Against |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
N/A |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
Against |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
Against |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
For |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
Against |
Cllr Graham Morris |
For |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
Against |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
Against |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
Against |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
Against |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
For |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
Against |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
Against |
Cllr James Scott |
For |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
For |
Cllr Steve Smith |
For |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
Against |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
N/A |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
Against |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
Against |
Cllr Mark Weston |
For |
Cllr David Wilcox |
Against |
Cllr Chris Windows |
For |
Cllr Tim Wye |
Against |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
Against |
For |
14 |
Against |
50 |
Abstain |
0 |
Amendment 8 – Liberal Democrat Party |
Cllr Don Alexander |
For |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
For |
Cllr Amal Ali |
For |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
For |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
For |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
For |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
For |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
For |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
For |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
For |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
For |
Cllr Jos Clark |
For |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
For |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
For |
Cllr Chris Davies |
For |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
For |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
For |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
For |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
For |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
For |
Cllr Jude English |
For |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
For |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
For |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
For |
Cllr John Geater |
For |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
For |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
For |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
For |
Cllr John Goulandris |
For |
Cllr Katy Grant |
For |
Cllr Fi Hance |
For |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
For |
Cllr Helen Holland |
For |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
For |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
For |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
For |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
For |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
For |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
For |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
For |
Cllr Ellie King |
For |
Cllr Heather Mack |
For |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
N/A |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
For |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
For |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
For |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
For |
Cllr Graham Morris |
For |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
For |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
For |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
For |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
For |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
For |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
For |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
For |
Cllr James Scott |
For |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
For |
Cllr Steve Smith |
For |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
For |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
For |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
For |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
For |
Cllr Mark Weston |
For |
Cllr David Wilcox |
For |
Cllr Chris Windows |
For |
Cllr Tim Wye |
For |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
For |
For |
66 |
Against |
0 |
Abstain |
0 |
Amendment 9 – Liberal Democrat Party |
Cllr Don Alexander |
Against |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
For |
Cllr Amal Ali |
Against |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
Against |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
Against |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
Against |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
Against |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
Against |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
Against |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
For |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
Against |
Cllr Jos Clark |
For |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
For |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
Against |
Cllr Chris Davies |
Against |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
Against |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
Against |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
Against |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
For |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
Against |
Cllr Jude English |
Against |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
Against |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
Against |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
Against |
Cllr John Geater |
For |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
Against |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
For |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
Against |
Cllr John Goulandris |
For |
Cllr Katy Grant |
Against |
Cllr Fi Hance |
Against |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
Against |
Cllr Helen Holland |
Against |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
Against |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
Against |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
For |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
Against |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
Against |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
Against |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
For |
Cllr Ellie King |
Against |
Cllr Heather Mack |
Against |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
N/A |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
Against |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
Against |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
For |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
Against |
Cllr Graham Morris |
For |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
Against |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
Against |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
Against |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
For |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
For |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
Against |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
Against |
Cllr James Scott |
For |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
For |
Cllr Steve Smith |
For |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
Against |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
Against |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
Against |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
For |
Cllr Mark Weston |
For |
Cllr David Wilcox |
Against |
Cllr Chris Windows |
For |
Cllr Tim Wye |
Against |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
Against |
For |
20 |
Against |
46 |
Abstain |
0 |
Amendment 10 – Liberal Democrat Party |
Cllr Don Alexander |
Against |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
For |
Cllr Amal Ali |
Against |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
N/A |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
Against |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
Against |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
Against |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
Against |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
Against |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
For |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
Against |
Cllr Jos Clark |
For |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
For |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
Against |
Cllr Chris Davies |
For |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
Against |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
Against |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
Against |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
For |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
Against |
Cllr Jude English |
Against |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
Against |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
Against |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
Abstain |
Cllr John Geater |
For |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
Against |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
For |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
Against |
Cllr John Goulandris |
For |
Cllr Katy Grant |
Against |
Cllr Fi Hance |
Against |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
Against |
Cllr Helen Holland |
Against |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
For |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
Against |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
For |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
Against |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
Against |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
Against |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
For |
Cllr Ellie King |
Against |
Cllr Heather Mack |
Against |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
N/A |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
Against |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
Against |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
For |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
For |
Cllr Graham Morris |
For |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
Against |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
Against |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
Against |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
For |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
For |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
Against |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
N/A |
Cllr James Scott |
For |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
For |
Cllr Steve Smith |
For |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
Against |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
Against |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
Against |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
For |
Cllr Mark Weston |
For |
Cllr David Wilcox |
Against |
Cllr Chris Windows |
For |
Cllr Tim Wye |
Against |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
Against |
For |
23 |
Against |
40 |
Abstain |
1 |
Amended Budget – Recommendations G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N |
Cllr Don Alexander |
For |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
Against |
Cllr Amal Ali |
For |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
For |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
Abstain |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
For |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
For |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
For |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
For |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
Abstain |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
For |
Cllr Jos Clark |
Abstain |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
Abstain |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
For |
Cllr Chris Davies |
Against |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
Abstain |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
For |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
Abstain |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
Against |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
Abstain |
Cllr Jude English |
Abstain |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
Abstain |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
Abstain |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
Against |
Cllr John Geater |
Against |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
For |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
Against |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
For |
Cllr John Goulandris |
Against |
Cllr Katy Grant |
Abstain |
Cllr Fi Hance |
Abstain |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
Abstain |
Cllr Helen Holland |
For |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
Against |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
For |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
Against |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
For |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
For |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
For |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
Abstain |
Cllr Ellie King |
For |
Cllr Heather Mack |
Abstain |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
N/A |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
For |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
Abstain |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
Against |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
Abstain |
Cllr Graham Morris |
Against |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
Abstain |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
For |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
Abstain |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
Against |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
Against |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
For |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
For |
Cllr James Scott |
Against |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
Against |
Cllr Steve Smith |
Against |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
Abstain |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
Abstain |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
Abstain |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
Abstain |
Cllr Mark Weston |
Against |
Cllr David Wilcox |
Abstain |
Cllr Chris Windows |
Against |
Cllr Tim Wye |
Abstain |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
For |
For |
23 |
Against |
18 |
Abstain |
25 |
Amended Budget – Recommendation O |
Cllr Don Alexander |
For |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
For |
Cllr Amal Ali |
For |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
For |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
For |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
For |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
For |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
For |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
For |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
For |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
For |
Cllr Jos Clark |
For |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
For |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
For |
Cllr Chris Davies |
Abstain |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
For |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
For |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
For |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
For |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
For |
Cllr Jude English |
For |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
For |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
For |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
For |
Cllr John Geater |
For |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
For |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
For |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
For |
Cllr John Goulandris |
For |
Cllr Katy Grant |
Abstain |
Cllr Fi Hance |
For |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
For |
Cllr Helen Holland |
For |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
Abstain |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
For |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
For |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
For |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
For |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
For |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
For |
Cllr Ellie King |
For |
Cllr Heather Mack |
For |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
Abstain |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
For |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
For |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
For |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
For |
Cllr Graham Morris |
For |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
For |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
For |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
For |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
For |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
For |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
For |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
For |
Cllr James Scott |
For |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
For |
Cllr Steve Smith |
For |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
For |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
For |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
For |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
For |
Cllr Mark Weston |
For |
Cllr David Wilcox |
For |
Cllr Chris Windows |
For |
Cllr Tim Wye |
For |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
For |
For |
63 |
Against |
0 |
Abstain |
3 |
Amended Budget – Recommendation P |
Cllr Don Alexander |
For |
Cllr Lesley Alexander |
For |
Cllr Amal Ali |
For |
Cllr Kerry Bailes |
For |
Cllr Jenny Bartle |
For |
Cllr Nicola Beech |
For |
Cllr Marley Bennett |
For |
Cllr Mark Bradshaw |
For |
Cllr Fabian Breckels |
For |
Cllr Andrew Brown |
For |
Cllr Craig Cheney |
For |
Cllr Jos Clark |
For |
Cllr Sarah Classick |
For |
Cllr Amirah Cole |
N/A |
Cllr Asher Craig |
For |
Cllr Chris Davies |
For |
Cllr Carla Denyer |
For |
Cllr Kye Dudd |
For |
Cllr Tony Dyer |
For |
Cllr Richard Eddy |
For |
Cllr Emma Edwards |
For |
Cllr Jude English |
For |
Cllr Lily Fitzgibbon |
For |
Cllr Tessa Fitzjohn |
N/A |
Cllr Martin Fodor |
For |
Cllr Lorraine Francis |
For |
Cllr John Geater |
For |
Cllr Paul Goggin |
For |
Cllr Geoff Gollop |
For |
Cllr Zoe Goodman |
For |
Cllr John Goulandris |
For |
Cllr Katy Grant |
For |
Cllr Fi Hance |
For |
Cllr Tom Hathway |
For |
Cllr Helen Holland |
For |
Cllr Gary Hopkins |
For |
Cllr Katja Hornchen |
For |
Cllr Jonathan Hucker |
For |
Cllr Philippa Hulme |
For |
Cllr Farah Hussain |
For |
Cllr Christopher Jackson |
For |
Cllr Hibaq Jama |
N/A |
Cllr Tim Kent |
For |
Cllr Ellie King |
For |
Cllr Heather Mack |
For |
Cllr Mohamed Makawi |
N/A |
Cllr Brenda Massey |
For |
Cllr Patrick McAllister |
For |
Cllr Henry Michallat |
For |
Cllr Yassin Mohamud |
For |
Cllr Graham Morris |
For |
Cllr Paula O’Rourke |
N/A |
Cllr Barry Parsons |
For |
Cllr Steve Pearce |
For |
Cllr Ed Plowden |
For |
Cllr Guy Poultney |
For |
Cllr Kevin Quartley |
For |
Cllr Thomas Renhard |
For |
Cllr Tim Rippington |
For |
Cllr James Scott |
For |
Cllr Sharon Scott |
For |
Cllr Steve Smith |
For |
Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend |
For |
Cllr Lisa Stone |
For |
Cllr Christine Townsend |
For |
Cllr Andrew Varney |
For |
Cllr Mark Weston |
For |
Cllr David Wilcox |
For |
Cllr Chris Windows |
For |
Cllr Tim Wye |
For |
Mayor Marvin Rees |
For |
For |
66 |
Against |
0 |
Abstain |
0 |
Supporting documents:
A1. Budget Report - cover page, item 7.
PDF 247 KB
A. Budget Report, item 7.
Appendix 1 - Detailed Budget Summary by Directorate & Division with Savings and Investments, item 7.
Appendix 2 - 2023-24 to 2032-33 Capital Programme, item 7.
PDF 265 KB
Appendix 3 - Budget Risk Matrix 2022-23, item 7.
PDF 172 KB
Appendix 4 - Treasury Management Strategy 202324 V4 FINAL 5 Years READY FOR REVIEW, item 7.
PDF 542 KB
Appendix 5 - Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy, item 7.
PDF 137 KB
Appendix 6 - Budget Consultation Report, item 7.
Appendix 7 - Cumulative EQIA - Budget 2023-24, item 7.
PDF 345 KB
Appendix 8 - Budget Savings and Efficiencies, item 7.
PDF 689 KB
Appendix 9 - Long Term Investments _Shareholdings, item 7.
PDF 111 KB
Appendix 10 - Service and Corporate Pressures, item 7.
PDF 174 KB
Appendix 11 v2 - Statutory Calculations in respect of Council Tax, item 7.
Appendix 12 - Empty and Second Homes Premiums, item 7.
Appendix 13 - Service Investments Loans & Guarantees, item 7.
Appendix 14 - Bristol Schools Forum feedback, item 7.
Appendix 15(i ii iii) - Supplementary Estimates - combined, item 7.
PDF 189 KB
Cumulative EQIA - Budget 2023-24, item 7.
PDF 345 KB
CAPITAL - EQIA - Capital Investment and Property Maintenance Programme, item 7.
PDF 119 KB
CAPITAL EQIA - Parks Capital Maintenance Programme, item 7.
PDF 271 KB
CAPITAL EQIA RE01 ICT Refresh, item 7.
PDF 103 KB
EQIA - Budget Proposal - All Workforce Aspects, item 7.
PDF 182 KB
EQIA - Budget Proposal - Budget Proposal Targeted Youth Services, item 7.
PDF 317 KB
EQIA - Budget Proposal - Children Commissioning s10 Pooled Budgets, item 7.
PDF 138 KB
EQIA - Budget Proposal - New Parking Charges, item 7.
PDF 232 KB
EQIA - Budget Proposal - Short Breaks Budget, item 7.
PDF 326 KB
EQIA - Budget Proposal - Waste Fees and Charges, item 7.
PDF 186 KB
GR2.1 EQIA - Budget Proposal - City Transport, item 7.
PDF 287 KB
GR4 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Economic Development, item 7.
PDF 144 KB
GR5 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Sustainable City + Climate Change, item 7.
PDF 112 KB
GR7 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Temporary Accommodation, item 7.
PDF 265 KB
GR15 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Highways and CAZ Funding, item 7.
PDF 123 KB
P1 Equality Impact Assessment - Bristol Community Links Service, item 7.
PDF 244 KB
P5 - EQIA - Budget Proposal - Redfield Lodge, item 7.
PDF 262 KB
P6 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Review East Bristol Intermediate Care Centre, item 7.
PDF 185 KB
P7 - EQIA - Budget Proposal - Concord Lodge, item 7.
PDF 173 KB
P9 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Adult Social Care Staffing Budget, item 7.
PDF 282 KB
P10 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Adult Social Care Purchasing Budget, item 7.
PDF 295 KB
P11 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Foster Carer Recruitment and Retention, item 7.
PDF 294 KB
P13 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Keeping Families Together, item 7.
PDF 266 KB
P15 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Investment in social work recruitment and retention, item 7.
PDF 258 KB
P17 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Early Years Family Information Website, item 7.
P20 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Communities, item 7.
PDF 267 KB
P21 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Home To School Education Transport, item 7.
PDF 270 KB
P23 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Early Help in communities_ including childrens centres and family hubs, item 7.
PDF 297 KB
P25 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Bristol Children’s Homes, item 7.
PDF 284 KB
R1 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Company Governance Arrangements, item 7.
PDF 129 KB
R2 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Democratic Engagement, item 7.
PDF 119 KB
R3 - EQIA - Budget Proposal - Lord Mayor's Chapel, item 7.
PDF 268 KB
R4.1 EqIA - Member Development, item 7.
PDF 112 KB
R6 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Executive Office, item 7.
PDF 276 KB
R7 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Mayor's Office, item 7.
PDF 280 KB
R8 EQIA Budget Proposal - Review of Legal services budget, item 7.
PDF 112 KB
R9 and R11 EQIA - Budget Proposals - IT Service and City Innovation, item 7.
PDF 189 KB
R12 EQIA - Budget Proposal - IT Contracts, item 7.
R14 EQIA - Marketing, Communications, Design, Web and Consultation, item 7.
PDF 182 KB
R16 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Networking, partnership and influence services, item 7.
PDF 171 KB
R17 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Learning and Development, item 7.
PDF 258 KB
R18 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Redesign Workforce and Change Service, item 7.
PDF 242 KB
R20 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme, item 7.
PDF 613 KB
R21 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Local crisis prevention fund, item 7.
PDF 587 KB
R22 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Debt Collection Outreach, item 7.
PDF 192 KB
R23 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Unified Financial assessments, item 7.
PDF 113 KB
R24 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Reduce the cost of legal and democratic services, item 7.
PDF 111 KB
R27 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Finance Restructure, item 7.
PDF 258 KB
R28 EQIA - Budget Proposal - Equality and Inclusion, item 7.
PDF 286 KB
R29 EQIA - Budget Proposal - DRR Charities Not for Profit Voluntary Orgs, item 7.
PDF 243 KB
R30 EQIA - Budget Proposal - DRR Ineligible Organisations, item 7.
PDF 100 KB
Resources Scrutiny budget submission for Full Council, item 7.
PDF 115 KB
Appendix A - Minutes - Resources SC - 31 Jan 23 - Part 1, item 7.
PDF 272 KB
Appendix B - Minutes - Resources SC - 2 Feb 23 - Part 2, item 7.
PDF 251 KB
Summary of Amendments, item 7.
1. KCP Capital, item 7.
2. KCP Capital, item 7.
3. KCP Revenue, item 7.
4. Green Capital, item 7.
5. Green Capital, item 7.
6. Conservative Revenue, item 7.
7. Conservative Capital, item 7.
8. Lib Dems Revenue, item 7.
9. Lib Dems Revenue, item 7.
PDF 106 KB
10. Lib Dems Revenue, item 7.