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Agenda item

High Needs Recovery Plan - Delivering Best Value


RBW updated the forum on Bristol’s participation in the Department for Education (DfE)’s Delivering Better Value in SEND programme; the High Needs Block Deficit Recovery Plan and overarching governance of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) deficit management approaches. 


In response to the report the following themes were discussed:

  1. The Chair noted the helpful summary of the four different workstreams summarised in section 5 of the report. The report included helpful information (particularly the diagram on page 9) illustrating the different work streams and timeline.  Officers were asked to consider building on that to ensure the information presented to the forum continued to use consistent language, format and accessibility.  Alongside this, consideration would be given to provide the Forum with leading indicators to identify and track benefits.  ACTION: Officers to consider consistent information presentation and leading indicators within reports going forward.
  2. It was highlighted that it would be important to improve recruitment and retention within the sector in order to implement the planned progress of SEND within mainstream settings.  RBW confirmed that the local authority was actively looking at ways to improve recruitment and retention within schools in Bristol and in the context of the national picture.  Mention in the report regarding limitations of inclusive practice resulting in a lower number of children with an EHCP within mainstream settings was not a comment about the quality of the existing workforce within schools. 
  3. The Workstream 1 pilot would involve a range of schools from across the City and draw upon directorate roles to establish best practice to roll out.  The selection method would utilise the diagnostic work of the chosen organisation.  More detail would be provided when scoping work had completed.
  4. It was highlighted that schools were already under a lot of pressure due to the deficit forecast, pressures in terms of resources and also negotiations for pay increases the government propose are funded by schools.  There was concern that proposals within the report appear to call for more work when resources were already stretched.  AL confirmed that with the cost of living crisis and inflationary pressures being addressed by Government grants from 2023-24 intended to ease the financial pressure, the Local Authority needed to ensure a robust financial plan and associated due diligence work to ensure schools spend was sustainable.  Rather than approaching the issue as reducing spending on the HN budget, it was a case of ‘reframing’ spend to consider whether placements could be offered locally for less cost resulting in more benefit for the same spend and a better experience for the children.  The Schools Forum recognised the challenging financial times and that development was needed to ensure the sector could better support each other to meet the need for the children of Bristol.
  5. There remained concern about the amount of time parents were waiting to see speech and language specialists or a paediatrician during a time where more children were coming to nursery and school with more need than in the past.  It was of high concern the referrals system for children with autism had been suspended by Sirona meaning no route for evidence for access to top up funding and less support for staff on the front line.  It would remain difficult to address the relationship BCC had with parents and children with SEND with the system not serving the parents and children entering the system.  Officers reassured forum members that they would continue those conversations with the providers involved in those decisions.
  6. Information was requested regarding the number of extra independent school places, where they were identified and what provision was possible.  The need for additional Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) provision was also highlighted. ACTION: Officers to provide information for the next meeting.


It was AGREED that the Schools Forum:

      Noted the convergence of work and programmes concerned with mitigation of DSG High Needs Block deficit and these programmes co-exist and support the ongoing maintenance of DSG Management Plan1.

      Noted the feedback from the High Needs Block Recovery Plan indicative mitigation proposals engagement and survey conducted during October and November 2022

      Noted the consultation approach for progressing new proposals contained within the High Needs Block Deficit Recovery Plan (being delivered through workstream 2 of the Delivering Better Value in SEND programme)

      Noted that the outcome of the consultation will be presented to Schools Forum in September 2023 seeking endorsement prior to Cabinet decision



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