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Agenda item

Southmead Regeneration


That Cabinet:

1.      Noted the progress towards and delivery of the Southmead Masterplan and the amendments to individual sites within the Masterplan area.

2.      Noted previous Cabinet approval on 25 February 2021 to allocate capital investment of up to £7m from Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy for non-residential elements of the revised Glencoyne Square Scheme.

3.      Approved an additional sum of up to £620k from Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy for non-residential elements of the revised Glencoyne Square Scheme to support the additional cost increase.

4.      Authorised the Executive Director Growth & Regeneration, (in consultation with the S151 Officer, Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance & Performance, and Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes to:

(i)                  Use Strategic CIL funds up to £7.62m to deliver the non-residential elements of the Glencoyne Square scheme, supporting the non-residential development including], public realm, commuted sums, library relocations, and delivery of advice learning, Library and training hub and new Health, and Well-Being Hub at Glencoyne Square by SDT;

(ii)                To negotiate and agree all remaining further property and financial transactions, and to procure all necessary contracts (goods, services, grants and works) contract which may be above key decision threshold, required to deliver the CIL funded works subject to keeping within the budget outlined in the report.

(iii)              take all steps required to negotiate terms for the total CIL funding drawdown and spend.

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