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Agenda item

Internal Audit - Exceptions Report


Appendix 1 was summarised by the Audit Manager and the Head of Financial Management gave the Committee on the actions that had already been completed and those that were  still work in progress and the following points arose from discussion:-


1.      The Director Finance confirmed that there had been a need to clarify explicitly the definition of a saving so that it was fully understood as savings came from efficiencies and income generation;

2.      There was a monthly monitoring report to the Delivery Executive and detailed reports to Cabinet. At year end the tracker was updated and officers confirmed if savings had been delivered.


Appendix 2 was summarised by the Audit Manager and the Director Adults and Communities updated the Committee on the actions being taken to address the issues identified and the following points arose from discussion:-


1.      The overall marker for demand in the service was the bottom line. There was a need to mitigate demand. Spend was high in the South West for adult social care and this was related to over prescription. This was under constant review  to get the level of need down to the appropriate level after leaving hospital. Work was underway to develop local providers to obtain better value.

2.      In response to the finding that the Head of Service was not confident that managers were able to manage their budgets the Director – Adults and Communities stated that there was an expectation and this was a criteria in the job description. Systems had changed in order to develop simpler ways to work and obtain contemporaneous information;

3.      Work was underway to create a means of monitoring spend in context of the overall budget;

4.      The CIA reported that there was limited assurance and this would be followed up in 6 months and if there was no assurance it would be brought to this Committee.


Appendix 3 was introduced by the Senior Manager - KPMG and the Director of Property Assets and Infrastructure updated the Committee on actions being taken to address the issues that had been identified in the audit. The following points arose from discussion:-


1.      The capital receipts target for savings was £36M and the value of estate was £300M. All areas were being reviewed to achieve this target;

2.      The receipts were needed to fill the capital programme. Properties had been identified and these could be opportunities for care homes or for children and opportunities for HRA;

3.      There was some discussion regarding approval for corporate property disposals being delegated or being required to go before Cabinet. It was agreed that a definitive answer be sought and reported back to the next Committee;

4.      The property tracker already existed but details were not up to date. The property strategy was aligned through the transformation programme and would go to September Cabinet.


Appendix 4 was introduced by the Senior Manager - KPMG and the Director of Workforce and Change updated the Committee on actions being taken to address the issues that had been identified in the audit. The following points arose from discussion:-


1.      It was hoped to have a new suite of KPI’s in the Autumn and these would go before HR Committee and hopefully be in place for the Q2 report;

2.      Para 4.6 – The survey was about management’s response to Health and Safety responsibilities and duties.



Resolved – That the report be noted and the Committee be assured from management regarding the issues highlighted in the report.



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