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Agenda item

Quarter 4 Performance Report


The quarterly Performance and Corporate Risk Reports were brought to OSMB for noting with the intention that the relevant sections be brought to individual Scrutiny Commissions for more detailed assessment. They were discussed as a joint item.


Members were reminded that prior notice should be given around a line of questioning in order to ensure that the relevant Officers could be present to address. Where this was not possible questions would be taken away as actions.


A Member noted the presentation of percentages as on or above target, and the implication this had for the reader.

Following the meeting Performance Officers provided the following comment:

·       The actual number ‘on target’ is minimal so the Performance team focused on “on or above target”.  Whilst this could be displayed as on or below, in terms of aspiring to achieve it seemed sensible to present it as shown. The reader can deduce that if 55% are on or above target then 45% are below.

·       The Performance Team would be open to displaying it however the reader would find helpful, but the issue had been previously discussed and agreed to leave as shown.

It was queried how the risks within the Risk Report were segregated, and whether this supported the identification of the highest priorities. The Chief Executive stated that improvements had been made in the previous 12 months, and the way risk was calibrated was consistent across the report. There was a recognition that all items had an individual risk score.


It was noted that the amount of narrative provided was inconsistent, which should not be the case at year end. It was not always clear why a position had changed, as indicated by the arrows.

Following the meeting Performance Officers provided the following comment:

·       The amount of narrative in text boxes does vary according to the officer completing it. In some cases it may not merit a lengthy response whereas in others there would be more detail by way of explanation. There is no hard and fast rule, although the Performance Team do provide guidance on how to write Management notes.  However, as noted, by Q4 all metrics should have content. 

·       Overall only 5 metrics did not have narrative, but all 5 were in the Children & Young People Theme. As noted by the Chief Executive, this is being raised by the Performance Team with relevant colleagues in Children & Education.

·       Most boxes without “arrows” were Actions, which are in-year only, and most Performance metrics do have arrows to show whether that KPI is doing better or worse than the year before.  However, if the metric is new or changed from the year before, or data was not reported the previous year, there is no arrow to show change. As it happens the Children & Young People Theme had multiple metrics impacted by these issues, partly due to reduced reporting of Education and Public Health data the year before (due to Covid restrictions).  Apologies this was not clear why the arrows were missing on those metrics.

A Member noted a lack of progress against Transport items. It was agreed that specific questions could be directed to the relevant Cabinet Member or Officer, and brought to the Growth and Regeneration Scrutiny Commission.


A Member noted that while individual actions appeared to be doing well only half of targets were on track to be achieved, and queried whether this indicated ambitious targets or whether the actions taken to achieve those targets were incorrect. The Chief Executive agreed with the assessment that there was a distance between activity and outcome measurement but that this was being worked on as part of continual improvement.   

Following the meeting Performance Officers provided the following comment:

·       ‘Actions’ are standalone actions that the performance team monitor progress against over the year, and this is set out in the relevant narratives. ‘Actions’ do not have specific ‘metrics’ or targets, the metrics are separate. This is articulated in the Business Plan.

RESOLVED; That feedback be provided to Performance Officers (completed and comments included in minutes).


RESOLVED; That the Performance and Risk Reports be noted.

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