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Agenda item

Downs Advisory Panel - Update


The Committee received a report of the Downs Advisory Panel (DAP). The Panel had met on the 1st September 2023 at the Zoos Centre for Education and discussed issues common to the Downs and included ant-social behaviour, the Roma Gypsy situation and van and caravan dwellers. There had also been reports of dangerous driving on the Downs, fly tipping, parking on the greensward, inconsiderate joggers, harassment by dogs.


The report covered four main items, and each had a recommendation(s) from DAP as outlined below, for the Downs Committee to discuss and consider.

A.     Unauthorised Commercial Activity on the Downs   


Implement a licensing scheme for commercial operators similar to that done by some other local authorities.

DAP recommendation that if the City Council was unable to run such a scheme, then the Downs committee should give due consideration to a fee-paying licencing scheme of its own and should be included as part of the commercial strategy within the Event and Finance team. 

RESOLVED – That the Head of Parks investigate and review the legal and commercial issues associated with a licensing scheme for commercial activities on the Downs.


B.      Out of Hours Security

DAP recommendation that the Downs committee as the principal power for governance, should when funding permits, give serious consideration to reinstating the out of hours security service, even if only for the summer months.

NB The Committee should note an indication that local residents may be in favour of contributing financially to such a scheme.

RESOLVED – That due to Downs Committee limited financial resources DAP explore the option of local resident associations contributing to a security scheme.


C.      Downs Parking

There are two main issues with vehicles parking on the Downs, parking on grassed areas and long-term parked vehicles.

        i.            DAP recommendation for grassed areas, that there should be a number of suitable signs displayed in the relevant areas, and that some sort of obstruction be considered with a first option being leaving long grass at the edges which might deter some from driving onto the grassed areas.

       ii.            DAP recommendation for long term parking, that an overnight parking ban, 1am – 4am, should be actively sought and imposed on Ladies Mile and Circular Road as soon as possible. The DAP recommendations should be considered by the Task & Finish Group as part of their current deliberations.



1.      That for parking on the grass, leaving grass to grow longer be tried in appropriate areas and review how that works. Also consider tree planting in appropriate areas of the Downs eg Sea Walls.

2.      That for long term parking this be reviewed by the Task and Finish Group taking into account the views of local ward councillors where appropriate.


D.     Childrens Playground

DAP recommendation that the applicant be permitted to further research planning, design, and funding issues.


RESOLVED – That the Downs Committee reiterate its willingness to work with Cllr. Denyer and others on the design, funding, and location of a new playground on the Downs.


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