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Agenda item
DSG Deficit Reduction Programme
The report was summarized for the benefit of the Committee and the following points arose from discussion:-
1. The subject had previously been to Cabinet though members were disappointed to note that it had not been scheduled on the Forward Plan despite it being an annual decision;
2. There was a shortfall of 400 places for EHCP requirements. There had not previously been sufficiency planning so this was now being picked up so that needs could be met without over supplying at a cost to BCC;
3. It was agreed to provide outside of the meeting the current number of existing specialist provision places;
4. The Director Finance reported that there would be a forecast trajectory for the next 5/10 years and the demand would be worked through. Provision would be created so that need is met within the Local Authority area where appropriate .
5. 200 pupils with EHCP’s were in independent & maintained schools and 193 children were still waiting for an EHCP place and for these the development of alternative learning provision was being considered. A key strategy was for need to be identified earlier and appropriate measures put in place to prevent escalation of need where possible – early years was a key time for early intervention and prevention. There would also be support for families to support their child;
6. It was acknowledged that relationships had previously broken down but work was taking place to engage with schools and the Parent/Carers Forum and relationships are improving. Best practice from other LA’s would be reviewed and the outcome of a consultation would be shared widely and come to Cabinet in early 2024 for a key decision. A project was underway regarding how schools worked with parents and the learning would be shared in the future. A key, wide-reaching cultural change is required to achieve inclusivity across the system, the Council and stakeholders will work together to solve the issues and not just BCC;
7. A Councillor noted the positive things taking place but had no real sense that the service was turning a corner. If it was so easy to increase the number of places and reduce costs why had it not been done before and what were the implications if it did not work. He also could not get a sense of the contingent risk to BCC and financial impact on BCC and Council tax. He needed much greater reassurance;
8. The Director Finance responded that all the information was not found in one report. 5.2 showed the extrapolations for how bad it could get and the blue line showed the mitigations. The proposals that bridged the gap could be found in the Schools Forum reports;
9. Officers were confident in the plans and financials behind them though it was noted that area of EHCP could not be fixed and isolation from other dependent elements. The savings had been reviewed over the year and they continued to be reflected on and were considered to be realistic;
10. A Councillor reported that the report considered at the Schools Forum in September 23 was not in the public domain and she was taking the matter up with the MO. It was not known whether by law any decisions were required by the Cabinet member for Children’s Services;
11. It was noted that there had been some delays in providing 288 additional special needs places due to the complexity of some of the projects;
12. The Director Finance reported that it was not possible to predetermine the outcome regarding the statutory override as there were lots of variables and assumptions. There would be a deficit even if all plans came to fruition and there was a positive trajectory and decisions had been based on that. It was not possible to know the position at the end of 2027 when the statutory override ended.
Resolved - That the progress made on the DSG Deficit Reduction Programme be noted.
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