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Agenda item

Delivering Better Value in SEND

Presented by Director of Education & Skills


Report on the Dedicated Schools Grant Programme| Delivering Better Value in SEND and Belonging with SEND update


This Report is for consideration and Decision as indicated on the recommendations set out in sections:

-          4.2.12

-          4.2.13

-          4.6.3



The Director of Education and Skills, Reena Bhogal-Welsh, spoke to the report shared with forum members.  Forum was asked:

a)       To note the update on the progress of the programme

b)      To consider allocation of an underspend in the programme to Schools Block

c)       Section 4.2 of the report sets out details of the schools given financial support to deliver creative ideas for innovative inclusion practices

d)      To consider the assignment of funds to support ‘Component 3’ activities; for individual, or groups of schools looking to develop initiatives using a test and learn approach.

e)      Those already funded were listed in 4.2.8 of the report and the activities to be funded in 4.2.9

f)        The sum of £51k is required to support the programmes from April to July 2024.

g)       The sum of £440k is unallocated; the proposal is to use this sum to support the establishment of ‘Inclusion Hubs’; to support early intervention; to enable that early intervention to take place in the existing setting.  The report at 4.2.15 details how the proposal is to be delivered and by whom.  

h)      The programme costs update was provided at 4.6 in the report.  The ask was the remaining funds to be carried forward to support the continued costs associated with programme delivery and management, estimated to be £400k.

The following was noted from the discussion.

i)        There was a general appreciation of the funding to support initiatives but there was also anxiety about sustainability of the projects.

j)        Officers explained that the projects, identified and underway, are one off projects with a start and completion date; the intention is to enable settings to promote and explore innovative activities; the sum requested is to sustain the projects to the given end date, set out in the report.

k)       Officers confirmed that the unspent funds of £440K, to be carried forward equates to the unspent balance set aside for the appointment of the delivery company.

l)        Forum discussed the need to see evidence of the milestones and/or success achieved by each project; to be better determine value and to enable a decision on the further funding allocation. (Action: RBW)

m)    The Inclusion Hub discussion centred around the creation and implementation of the hubs.

n)      Officers shared that extensive liaison that had taken place with settings and the Alternative Learning Provision (ALP) team; assurances were given that the hub had been codesigned with input from school settings; the intervention would be broken into Tiers 1 – 4; see section 4.2.15 of the report. 

o)      Members where interested in knowing more particularly about actions post set-up; possible provision of staff training; the sustainability of the hub; a detailed understanding on how the principles of the hub would operate.                                                                                                                              

When put to the vote the following was resolved:

         I.            That the sum of £51k requested at 4.2.12 to support delivery of projects in component 3 be deferred to;

a.       Enable a further report to be provided to Forum to evidence the milestones and/or success achieved of each project. (Action: RBW)

       II.            The sum of £440k requested at 4.2.13 to support the establishment of Inclusion Hubs be deferred;

a.       A further report to be provided that expands on section 4.2.15 and addresses the operation of the inclusion hub (Action: RBW)

     III.            The sum of £400k requested at 4.6 Programme Costs to be carried forward

a.       Agreed without any objection


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