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Agenda item

Reports from Working Groups


Feedback from Working Groups

(a)        Environment and Tree Champion’s report


The Neighbourhood Partnership noted the report. With regard to Channel 4 TV obtaining permission from Coombe Dingle Sports Hub to use Stoke Lodge Parkland as an HGV park and car park it was suggested that the NP write to Coombe Dingle Sports Hub to tell them that they should not have done it.


The Neighbourhood Committee then considered the decisions that were required to be taken as set out in the recommendations in the report. On being put to the vote it was unanimously –


Resolved –


1.     That funding of £4,745, from the NP’s S106 Hiatt Baker funds,  to undertake clearance work on the Stoke Lodge sensory garden area be approved;

2.     That funding of £3,150, from the NP’s CIL funds, to undertake the design work detailed in the report be approved;


Consideration of the third recommendation, in respect of improving kitchen premises at the Church in Westbury Park,was deferred until the next meeting of the NP due to the Neighbourhood Committee becoming inquorate following a formal declaration of interest by one of the three members present.

(b)       Transport


The Neighbourhood Partnership/Committee noted the report and the decisions that were required to be taken.


CPNN Traffic Mitigation Proposals for the A4018 Corridor


Alan Aburrow reported that he had not received any feedback from Council Officers in respect of requests for updates on progress with traffic mitigation proposals for the A4018 corridor. He then read out a quote from the Area Coordinator’s Report to the forthcoming Henbury, Brentry & Southmead NP Meeting that had been submitted by Oliver Coltman, City Transport’s Strategic Projects Team Manager, as follows –

“The preparation of the traffic model for the A4018 is progressing well and we will soon be meeting with the consultants to view a demonstration and confirm the corridor options to be tested. The results of the study are expected in November; the date will be confirmed with the consultants when we meet.

I will also find out at what point we will have information that can be shared with the NP. It is my intention to organise a meeting for Councillors and NP reps at which the results of the study will be presented and discussed. This will be when the study is completed, probably towards the end of November.”


The Neighbourhood Partnership and Neighbourhood Committee then considered the recommendations in the report and on being put to the vote unanimously –


Neighbourhood Partnership




  1. That the Transport Working Group’s revised Terms of Reference, following their review at the Group’s recent AGM be approved;


  1. That the continuing lack of progress with publishing the results of the traffic survey that was a prelude to the possible removal of the remaining section of bus lane on the approach to the White Tree roundabout, or to justify its retention, be noted;


  1. That it be noted that Bristol City Council’s Transport Development Team was unlikely to publish any proposals for mitigating the potential impact of additional traffic volumes on the A4018, arising from the Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood, before the end of this year;


  1. That the NP’s current balance of £38,026 in its devolved Minor Traffic Schemes budget, be noted;


  1. That the progress of the Minor Traffic Schemes and Minor Works Projects previously sanctioned by the NP, be noted;


  1. That the current 22 requests to fund Minor Traffic Schemes across the NP, including the provision of seven new Zebra Crossings, be noted and that Neighbourhood Forums debate and choose schemes to prioritise;


Neighbourhood Committee

Resolved -  


  1. That the allocation of £3k from the NP’s devolved budget to cover routine Minor Signing & Lining requests during 2016/17, be approved;


  1. That expenditure totalling £24k to cover the increased cost (£5k) necessary to deliver the previously-sanctioned Shirehampton Road Zebra Crossing and also include upgrading the Druid Hill mini-roundabout (£19k) within the same scheme be approved.

(c)        Older people

The report was noted. The NP congratulated Valerie Bishop who won the Happy Community Award at the Celebrating Age Festival.  The award was for a person who was really making a difference to other people's lives.

(d)       Communication       

The report was noted.

(e)        Governance


The report was noted and the following agreed -


  1. That the report and discussion held on governance issues relating to the NP, be noted;
  2. That the quorum for the Working Group be at least two Henleaze and Westbury-on-Trym representatives and one Stoke Bishop representative;
  3. That the statement regarding the NP’s ownership of all information relating to its operation, be approved; 
  4. That Alan Preece be the Chair of the Environment Working Group and it be noted that Alan would also now become a member of the NP.