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Agenda item

NP business report

To consider the NP business report.

To be presented by Caroline Hollies.


The NP considered the NP business report.


a. Station Lane, Lockleaze - drainage works:

Following discussion, and having noted that this work had already been completed, the Neighbourhood Committee



That approval be given to the release of £2,131 (S106 funds ref. S106 04/01885/ Eastgate market site, Eastgate Road, Eastville / ZCD…636) in respect of drainage works to improve this walking route to Fairfield School.


b. Grants panel recommendations:

Due to the current BCC spending freeze on non-essential expenditure, this part of the report was not considered at this meeting. 


c. Transformer funding:

The NP noted that Avon and Somerset Police Community Trust had been managing the Transformers fund, a small grant fund aimed at working with young people and delivering youth activities.  The Trust had found it difficult to attract enough projects and had agreed to devolve £5,000 of the fund to each of Bristol’s NPs, it they wished to accept it.


The NP agreed that it did wish to accept and take up the opportunity to allocate this funding for the Horfield and Lockleaze area.  Following discussion, it was agreed that no decision should be taken at today’s meeting on the allocation of these funds.  A number of potential options were available, including:

·         Allocating it to the Young People’s grant fund.

·         Adding it to the Wellbeing grant fund.

·         Using it to commission a mapping and audit project for children and young people’s activities and facilities.

·         Using it to link in with the work of local children’s centres.


It was noted that Caroline Hollies would set up a planning group to further consider possible options for the use of this fund.


d. Finance update:

The finance update was noted.


e. Pop-up forums:

The recent “pop-up” event at Eden Grove Christmas Bazaar held on 26 November had been positive. 


f. Meeting dates – principles:

The following was suggested:

·         NP meetings should ideally be held on a Monday or a Wednesday.

·         Horfield Primary School was an appropriate, accessible venue, with good facilities (e.g. projection equipment on site).  The Hub at Gainsborough Square, Lockleaze was also an appropriate location.

·         Consideration could be given to holding one daytime NP meeting per year.

·         Opportunities for commenting online at meetings (or about agendas) utilising technology should be explored.


g. NP review and restructure:

Cllr Asher Craig, Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods explained the rationale for the current review of NPs.  Key factors and principles for the review included:

·         Ensuring that the new NP structure was a “bottom up” structure, influenced by local considerations rather than being seen as a bureaucratic “top down” structure.  It was recognised that “imposed” structures did not work.

·         There were no pre-conceptions about what would work best for any area. 

·         Where appropriate, local “infrastructure” and positive activity from groups / organisations / community “players” that was already working well could be built upon.

·         Local communities should set their own priorities.


Main comments in the subsequent discussion:

·         It would be important to tap into local “energy” which may, for example, be currently focused on particular community projects.  This could be harnessed into wider and meaningful collective action.  The Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust, for example, would be potentially interested in taking a role in a new structure.

·         Best practice and good examples from elsewhere should be considered, e.g. the community “hub and spoke” model might be appropriate for some areas.

·         It would be useful to liaise with Martyn Chinn and former councillor Sean Emmett to learn from their experiences in developing neighbourhood planning in Lockleaze.

·         It would be important to maintain an effective, ongoing working relationship with ward councillors.



That the report and the above information be noted.


Supporting documents: