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Agenda item

Business Activities Report

Wellbeing decisions,  Accepting £5,000 Transformers Youth funding; Traffic Scheme updates and decisions about S106 allocations; Terms of Reference for sub-groups


The Neighbourhood Partnership considered the report of Keith Houghton, NP Co-ordinator.


Councillor Matt Melias chaired the Neighbourhood Committee during the devolved  decision making process at the appropriate time.


1) Wellbeing Fund


In light of the information received at the start of the meeting regarding the budget freeze no funding requests could be considered.  The NP Co-ordinator confirmed that he would write to individual applicants to explain the current situation.  Action Keith Houghton


The Neighbourhood Partnership RESOLVED to approve the recommendation to accept £5000 Transformers funding from Avon & Somerset Police Community Trust to be used as set out in the report to support projects which benefit young people.


2) Traffic & Transport Activity


Development of 2017/18 Local Traffic Scheme: Kingsweston Lane pedestrian crossings at roundabout.


It was noted that as alluded to at the start of the meeting the budget which comes from Highways to NPs (£17, 147 per annum) as part of the un-ringfenced Neighbourhood Budget was included in its entirety as a potential budget saving in the Corporate Strategy.   If this cut were to go ahead it would therefore make it difficult for the NP to go ahead with the scheme as the S106 funding available would not provide sufficient funding to support the scheme. It consists of:-


Rockingham Lane S106 of £21,286.53, leaving a shortfall of   £40,000 for the full implementation of the above scheme. 


The NP AGREED to refer the scheme to the Traffic & Transport Subgroup for review and recommendation to the NP meeting in March 2017.   Action Keith Houghton/Traffic & Transport subgroup.


Re-allocation of the Valerian Close S106 - £14,856.720


At its March 2016 meeting the NP approved S106 funding for an ‘upgrade of the Valerian Close bus stop (Portway) travelling in an inbound direction’.   The advice of the Sustainable Transport team was that there was a possibility that the limited services stopping at Valerian Close may be reduced or even removed all together.  There had also been some adverse local comments because of the very limited use of this stop.  BCC Transport had therefore suggested that the S106 allocation be transferred to the Woodwell Road bus stop 355 metres from the Valerian Close entrance and used to increase the 3 bay shelter to 4 bay at this busy stop.  It was noted that Oasis  Academy Brightstowe was not in the immediate vicinity of the Valerian Close development so this S106 funding could not be used for traffic improvement outside the school.


NP members were not satisfied with the proposal to upgrade Woodwell Road.  It was felt that this stop was adequately provisioned.


The NP Co-ordinator was asked to explore the option of upgrading the stops on Shirehampton Green – installing real time information, for example. Action Keith Houghton.


During discussion it was noted that there is a time limit on this S106 spend of 27th January, however the S106 Planning Obligation Manager had advised that this was a low-risk condition.


The NP AGREED that further details of the scheme be brought back to the next meeting of the NP in March 2017.  Action Keith Houghton/Jim Cliffe.



3) Section 106 and CIL contributions


The update as set out in the report was noted



4) Provisional Neighbourhood Partnership dates for 2017/18


The dates proposed were provisionally agreed, however it was noted that the meeting on 29 June 2017 clashed with a local planning meeting so would need to be changed.  Action Keith Houghton



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