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Agenda item

15/04217/F - Land to North of Paintworks, BS4 3EH


            The Representative of the Service Director – Planning commented as follows:-


·       Some members of the Committee had attended an informal site visit earlier that day;

·       This was Phase 4 of the development and did not include Phase 3 and would be considered on its own merits;

·       The applicants have made a commitment and would contribute towards a parking scheme including parking restrictions and a survey to see what was welcomed, in particular for Chatsworth & Edward Road. The details were currently being progressed;

·       The affordable housing was policy compliant.


The following points arose during discussion:-


·       There would inevitably  be an impact on parking during construction. It was necessary to have a Construction Management Plan in place before the development started. It would be necessary to work out how best the reduction in places would be managed;

·       The Eastern access had been approved at  Stage 3 safety audit ;

·       The Chair referred to the main road access being widened to accommodate a 3m cycle track but noted there was no space to open car doors. He asked whether it was possible to condition a safer access route alongside parked cars. He was informed that transport development management did not receive any objections on this matter. He confirmed that it would be possible to condition fencing to protect cyclists from doors opening;

·       Dust was part of the Construction Management Plan though this was in liaison with Pollution Control officers;

·       Councillor Phipps asked whether there was provision for small businesses to move whilst construction took place and was informed that this was not strictly a  planning consideration. It was not possible to condition something that all parties might not agree to;

·       Councillor Shah echoed the concerns for small businesses. He asked for clarification for the affordable housing calculation as 30% equated to 27 properties but 11 were proposed and was informed that the calculation was based on additional floor space only due to the provisions of vacant building credit;

·       The development was in the Enterprise Zone and the economic impact had been assessed as hugely positive;

·       Councillor Clough referred to the noise nuisance from the pile driven foundations and was informed that how a building was constructed could not be a reason for refusing it. The Construction Management Plan ensured that work took place at suitable hours;

·       It was the first opportunity that the Planning Authority had been able to implement the vacant building credit scheme. This scheme did not apply to derelict buildings ;

·       The Chair asked whether a planning obligation statement for the parking scheme could be promised and secured. Officers were confident that the scheme could be delivered. Once the legal agreement had been drawn up the details would be made public. It was in the interests of the applicant to deliver it;

·       It was possible to secure landscaping throughout the site. Consideration would be given to hard and soft landscaping in the car park;

·       Councillor Clough asked whether it was possible to condition the parking scheme in order to provide protection to residents and was informed that a legal agreement was better than a condition and planning consent would only be issued one the agreement was signed;

·       Councillor Eddy was impressed by the application as a good mix of small businesses and affordable housing. He recognised the concerns of residents regarding parking but was reassured by the parking scheme proposal. He would therefore vote to  grant planning permission for  the scheme;

·       Councillor Mead stated that it was a good application but was concerned by the parking issues, the loss of natural daylight for some of the businesses and dust. He proposed determination be deferred until the impact of Phase 3 was clear and in order to carry out the stage 3 road safety and for further information and clarity on the impact of local businesses. The Representative of the Service Director – Planning advised that the impacts of Phase 3 had been fully assessed at a previous meeting and there was no control over how quickly it was completed. Completion and subsequent occupation might take some considerable time and it was not reasonable to delay for that time. A lengthy deferral would probably be considered by the applicant as  a deemed refusal and this would not be easily defended at appeal. The impact within the red line of the site was predominantly a landlord and tenant issue and not a planning consideration.  With respect to the road safety audit, a previous Committee took a view of the new access and there had been modification to the internal access which had not received objections. An audit would not raise further issues;

·       Councillor Denyer approved of most of the design but would be more content if as much as possible was conditioned. She noted that the Bristol Tree Forum and City Design Group had recommended more trees in the car park and was informed that officers had disagreed with this view;

·       The Chair summarised the following additional conditions  to be added :-

o   Subject to S106 agreement to include a contribution to exploration and implementation of a residents parking scheme;

o   Condition 2 of the Construction Management Plan to specifically refer to consultation of local residents and businesses and hours of working;

o   Additional condition requiring boundary treatment between cycleway & parking spaces along access road;

·       Councillor Mead proposed another condition securing flowers on the roof blocks and officers agreed to look at this.


Councillor Eddy moved the officer recommendation and this was seconded by Councillor Quartley.


On being put to the vote, there were 6 for, 4 against.


RESOLVED – that the application be granted subject to:-


1.  the Conditions and Advice(s) in the report and the Amendment Sheet.

2. the following :-


i) Subject to S106 agreement to include a contribution to exploration and implementation of a residents parking scheme;

ii) Condition 2 of the Construction Management Plan to specifically refer to consultation of local residents and businesses and hours of working;

iii) Additional condition requiring boundary treatment between cycleway & parking spaces along access road.



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