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Agenda item

Traffic and Transport Sub-Group Decisions and Updates


Fraser Bridgeford NP Chair introduced the report of the NP Co-ordinator.  Cllr Clive Stevens was the Neighbourhood Committee Chair during the decision making process.


The following recommendations of the Traffic and Transport Sub-Group were considered by the Neighbourhood Partnership and an overview of each project was provided:-


A) Hampton Road Crossing – £4000 to fund LED haloes as a safety improvement.  At this point Roger Gimson, Chair BCR NP spoke to his public forum statement referred to earlier in the meeting which had been submitted on behalf of BCR NP.  He explained that the original proposal was that BCR NP and CCH NP share the cost of enhancing the zebra crossing at the Cotham end of Hampton Road, however as all spending by NPs from their general fund was now currently frozen (but still possible for NPs to use CIL money) they were no longer able to contribute towards the costs as they had already allocated its CIL funds.  As CCH NP appeared to have considerable CIL fund available they were being asked to fund the full cost of £4000.


The Neighbourhood Committee unanimously RESOLVED that £4,000 (CIL) be allocated to the Hampton Road Crossing Enhancement subject to the white line markings being made good and appropriate measures being taken to ensure the overgrown trees which currently obscure the crossing are dealt with.   Action BCR NP to speak to landowner or report to BCC Highways as appropriate.


At this point Cllr Jerome Thomas joined the meeting.


B)  Victoria Square Bus Shelter – Installation of two new two-bay bus shelters at a cost of £18,000.  Alternatively, a second cheaper option would be to fund one bus shelter at a cost of £13,000 for a large three-bay shelter or smaller two-bay shelter at £10,000.


During discussion the following issues were noted:-

·       Concerns were raised that there is no guarantee that there would not be changes to the bus routes in future so the stops could potentially be made redundant.  In response, officers confirmed that the commercial operator decides the service and the statutory notice is 56 days.  It was noted that depending on the strength of feeling, petitions etc in some cases the stops can be re-instated.

·       Officers indicated that there was spare real time info equipment (from redundant stops) that could be used for this shelter, at no additional cost to the NP. Action: Stephen Pick


The Neighbourhood Committee unanimously RESOLVED that two new 2-bay bus shelter be installed - £18,000




C) Brunel Swing Swivel Bridge (restoration project)  £25,000.  The project is now at a critical stage as Avon Industrial Buildings Trust (AIBT) is about to apply for a substantial grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.  Match funding from the NP would demonstrate a financial commitment from the Council for the delivery of the project and would strengthen AIBT’s chance of their HLF bid being successful.


The following issues were noted during the discussion that took place:-

·       The project will provide a focus for regeneration of this neglected area and deliver benefits for business, health and will complement the recent HLF funded ‘Brunel’ project of great interest to Bristol people and those who are interested in its important industrial heritage.

·       In response to a question, it was confirmed that whilst the Brunel Museum was very supportive of the project they were unable to contribute financially as they had their own bid to focus upon.

·       The investment of £25,000 could lever in £1,000,000 if the HLF bid is successful

·       If the grant is administered by the council, it will be possible to save VAT making an extra £5000 (on £25,000) available to spend on the work.

·       It was suggested that a condition on the funding be put in place so that if the HLF bid is unsuccessful the £25,000 is withdrawn and returned to the NP


The Neighbourhood Committee RESOLVED that £25,000 (CIL) be awarded to AIBT for Brunel Swing Swivel Bridge on the condition that if the HLF bid is unsuccessful the funding is withdrawn by the NP.


(Cllr Stevens abstained from voting)




D) Bus Stop upgrades on Nelson Street and Rupert Street outside the new Bridewell Development, Bristol.  The proposal is to upgrade the South Westbound bus stops on Rupert Street, along with the North East bound stop on Nelson Street – £61,061.68 S106 funding.


 The following issues were noted during the discussion that took place:-

·       It was important to ensure that the work proposed was not premature and dovetailed with the work of the Mayor’s congestion task force.  It was suggested that these proposals be run passed the Cabinet Member (Transport) to be signed off to ensure they were compatible with the wider project.  Action: Stephen Pick

·       It was generally felt that whatever the outcome of the congestion task force, buses were always likely to be needed in this area of the town centre

·       It was confirmed that the proposed bus stop upgrades tied in with the wider Metrobus scheme


The Neighbourhood Committee unanimously RESOLVED that £61,061.68 S106 funding from Bridewell Development be utilised to fund bus stop upgrades on Nelson Street and Rupert Street subject to consultation with the Cabinet Member (Transport) to ratify the scheme.


The Neighbourhood Partnership NOTED the S106 funding position and CIL funding position outlined in the report of the NP Co-ordinators report which did not take in to account the funding approved at today’s meeting.