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Agenda item

Future Neighbourhood Partnership Arrangements

Andrew McLean & Lloyd Allen


The Partnership received from the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator Andrew Mclean, the following reports for consideration:

1.     The Future of NP – local decision-making models for discussion

2.     Neighbourhood Partnership Transition timeline 1st Draft dated 1st March 2016

3.     FKWH NP Summary of work plan to agree NP transition plan


Andrew Mclean worked through the options outlined in The Future of NPA.  A discussion followed on the issues arising from the transition and the proposals outlined. 


The following was noted from the discussion that followed.


a.     The options outlined were based on combination of formats for the future based on whether the wards in a partnership agreed to continue to work as a unit or decided to split.  The monies available to support resident/Councillor driven options reflecting the formation that would be adopted.

b.     An explanation was requested of the term LSOA, referenced in the options document. 

·       LSOA = Lower super output area – it describes areas within a wider locality with pockets of deprivation.  Government reports has identified 42 such areas across the City.

c.      There were a number of concerns raised with the suggestion, that meetings would be held in the North, South and Centre area to determine spend of s.106 and CIL monies.

d.     The Partnership members held the view that all Councillors representing their wards would have differing priorities and coming to a consensus may prove difficult and that a decision maybe to the detriment of another ward.

e.     The current 6 Councillors across the 3 wards worked well when decision- making was required.  The concern was how that translated to all Councillors attempting to find a consensus.

f.       Residents were concerned that it would translate into a councillor auction and party line working.

g.      All were assured that the aspiration was for community space events to give direction to local councillors on possible spend.

h.     There were real concerns that the sums now available for distribution within a community was so small that it would not generate any interest.  All were reminded that attendees/participants needed a reason to attend a meeting and the proposed budget would not meet that threshold.

i.       Cllr Davies shared that the Knowle ward were looking to holding 3/4 meetings a year.   Communication would be via local newsletters.  Proposing that the collective partnership ward could meet yearly for update meetings. 

j.       Concerns were expressed over the 3 wards working separately.

k.      Cllr Lovell, reminded all present that local councillors previously undertook similar ward work without funding prior to the introduction of NP.

l.       A partnership member stated that it was an opportunity to form links with commercial business to support the development of community activities.

m.   AM advised that the transition work involved liaising with active groups within communities not normally part of the NP to share ideas.  Meetings would continue with local councillors.

n.     AM requested volunteers for a sub-group to work on the transition plan.

o.     The following agreed to assist

·       Cllr Wellington

·       Mark Bailey

·       Denise Britt

·       Jim Smith

·       Ann Smith

·       Ken Jones

·       Bob Franks

·       Les Bowen

·       Maggie Stringer

p.     AM advised that the current meeting was the last with officer support and therefore the final meeting in the current format.



       I.          To note the report

     II.          To form a transition sub-group




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