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Agenda item

New byelaws for parks and green spaces


The Full Council considered a report seeking approval of new byelaws for parks and green spaces in Bristol.


Councillor Craig, Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods moved the report and the recommendations set out therein.


Councillor Negus seconded the report.


Following debate, upon being put to the vote, it was




That Full Council resolves to:


1. Adopt a new set of byelaws for parks and green spaces as set out at Appendix 1 and in doing so agrees to revoke existing Victorian parks byelaws.


2. Authorise the affixing of the common seal to the byelaws and that they be made to come into force on 28April 2017.


3. Approve the recommendations given in paragraph 18 following the regulatory notice period.


4. Delegate to the Strategic Director - Neighbourhoods authority to manage the byelaws, including (i) designating routes for the purpose of byelaws 12 and 13; (ii) designating areas for the purpose of byelaws 9, 22 and 25; (iii) issuing consents in respect of byelaws 5, 6, 8, 9, 16, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28 and 29.


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