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Agenda item

NP Business Report

Report of subgroups and NP Co-ordinator, Abdulrazak Dahir.


NC & NP decision and discussion :


-        Section 106;

-        CIL requests;

-        Other NP Business




Part 1: Traffic and Transport Update.


It was reported that the Subgroup had decided that it wished to continue to operate with a more focussed remit.


Part 2: Environment Subgroup.


  1. It was reported that Fishponds Park previously received £20,000 from the Parks Play Fund, however due to BCC budget cuts this has been withdrawn. The Environment Subgroup supported proposal to use S106 and CIL monies to deliver Fishpond Park Play project;


  1. Concern was expressed by a NP member, in relation to the NP priority for a skateboard park at Hillfields Park, that the applicant FLAG was not a charity but a commercial organisation which was not normally funded from public funds. In addition, it was unclear if this was wanted as there was no evidence of consultation and the location was questionable. It therefore appeared odd that it was being pushed through;
  2. The NP Co-ordinator in response stated that FLAG is a not for profit organisation that had raised £46,000 for the project and asked for the NP’’s assistance on the basis of increasing their funding. He accepted the point regarding consultation and stated that he will feedback to the group about the consultation. However the status of organisation is similar to other previously funded groups;
  3. The Neighbourhood Officer added that consultation had taken place some years ago and then again recently in the Youth Hub. It was decided not to consult more widely and raise hopes if it was unsuccessful but local residents were spoken to;
  4. It was agreed that the governance document, the consultation document and procedures in relation to Council parks be made available to the NP. It was agreed that the decision to grant the funding should be subject to proof of governance;
  5. It was noted that an additional £28,183.68 had been added to the CIL pot so that it stood at £148,950.46.


The Chair of the Neighbourhood Committee took the chair for voting.


On being put to the vote the following four activities were all unanimously agreed to be supported from the devolved CIL Budget. The Hillfields Park skateboard park funding being subject to having appropriate governance status.






2016/17: CIL March 2017.


Activity                                    Amount requested                Amount granted


Fishponds Park Phase 1 development



£20, 000




Eastville Park Play including MUGA






Contribution to project management of skateboard park – Charlton Road, Hillfields Park






ParkWork – organise regular volunteer sessions in parks


£6, 816


£6, 816



Remaining CIL –




On being put to the vote the following three activities were all unanimously agreed to be supported from the devolved S106 Budget. The Hillfields Park skateboard park funding being subject to having appropriate governance status.


2016/16: Section 106 March 2017.


Activity                                    Amount requested                Amount granted


Fishponds Park Phase 1 development







Eastville Park Play including MUGA






Contribution to project management of skateboard park – Charlton Road, Hillfields Park








Remaining S106 –





Action: NP Co-ordinator to circulate FLAG’s governance document, the skateboard proposal consultation and procedures in relation to Council parks.


It was noted that the Environment Subgroup had decided that it wished to continue to operate.


NP Members took the opportunity to thank Councillors, the Chair and officers for their support to the Greater Fishponds Neighbourhood Partnership.


The meeting ended at 9.15.



CHAIR  __________________


Supporting documents: