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Agenda item

2017/18 Budget Monitoring Report - Period 2

The purpose of this report is to inform Cabinet of the Council’s overall financial performance against revenue and capital budgets resulting from the first progress report, as at the end of May 2017, and to invite their comments thereon




1) Noted the extent of forecast General Fund revenue overspend at period 2 of



2) Noted that Strategic Directors / Service Directors are continuing to review the

    levels of over and underspends and reallocate budgets to remain within the

    directorate service allocations for 2017/18. Directorates unable to achieve a

    forecasted balanced budget will be provided with assistance in doing so via a

    Budget Scrutiny process, to further interrogate budgets and seek opportunities

    where spending can be frozen, early adopter or substitute savings identified.


3) Noted the forecast outturn of the Dedicated Schools Grant, and an anticipation

    that a number of schools will be in a deficit position by end of 2017-18, in the

    context of the current level of school reserves.


4) Considered and note the progress against planned efficiency savings 2017/18 and



5) Noted the total net movement in the Capital Programme of £6.4m (£1.7m General

    Fund, £4.7m HRA)


6) Considered the capital monitoring, specific over and underspends, and the

    Potential for this to have significant revenue pressures should the programme not

    be contained within the annual allocations and funding streams agreed by Council.

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