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Agenda item

Healthy Weston

The Joint Committee to note the Healthy Weston update.


The Joint Committee considered the report and verbal update on the Healthy Weston programme.


The Chief Executive, BNSSG CCG provided the context and an outline of the programme known as ‘Healthy Weston’ before handing over to Dr Peter Collins, Medical Directory, Weston Area Health NHS Trust.


The following key points were noted:


a.      Weston area health trust had been a challenged hospital for some time, second smallest hospital in the country trying to provide a wide range of general hospital services which was difficult to make sustainable both from a financial perspective and from a health care workforce perspective.  A lot of work had been carried out to look at Weston as a place, with all of the health and social care providers working together to deliver services in a way that better use could be made of the resources available. 


b.      Significant work had taken place to align the work of providers, commissioners and primary community services into a cohesive vision to meet the needs of their populations and could start to demonstrate real change.


c.       The decision to implement temporary overnight closures at Weston Hospital, due to safety concerns, had gone well due to the ability to call on health partners to take care of patients.  It had also acted as a catalyst for work being done to look for different models of care and start a healthy debate with the public regarding the provision of the best care possible within the resources available.


In response to the summary report, the following points were raised:


a.      Cllr Willis confirmed that the North Somerset Council’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be discussing the Healthy Weston Programme at its next meeting. A huge amount of work had been done by North Somerset and North Somerset Councillors were very much engaged in the process.


b.      Cllr Biggin commented that there may not have been sufficient communication with local residents to explain the safety issues related to staffing that resulted in the decision to implement temporary overnight closure. Work had been carried out to spread the message that this is a collection of different services that could be provided in a different way. There was a responsibility to ensure that patients that attended Weston could be treated safely and if that was not possible to find alternative ways of treating them. The education piece had been all about the staffing difficulties and it would take time to communicate that effectively.


c.       Cllr Holloway recognised that the situation was complicated and queried how close they were to receiving a list of targets and timescales.It was advised that in respect of the wider work programme a detailed plan was expected at the end of the financial year.


Cllr Knight left the meeting


d.      Cllr Scott commented that Police and Education Services were publicly lobbying central government for an increased allocation in the forthcoming budget and queried whether there was a risk of the NHS falling behind if they just accepted the settlement. It was noted that the head of NHS England was exercising his role to speak about extra funding nationally and the challenges on the health service.  Locally the role of the BNSSG CCG was to operate within its means.


e.      Cllr Combley queried whether there was any evidence that the impact of the Weston Hospital closure had led to better outcomes and what impact the closure had had on other hospitals picking up the work. It was confirmed that there was a weekly meeting of those services involved in overnight care and the impact on the other acute services at Musgrove Park, Southmead Hospital and UHB was being carefully monitored.  In addition there was careful monitoring of whether there was any adverse impact on patients that would normally have attended Weston. It was noted that detailed planning with partners as part of the STP process in advance of the temporary closure modelled what would happen and things had gone according to plan. On average 9 patients overnight are transferred to various hospitals in the region with more going to Taunton than North Bristol. 


f.        In terms of outcomes it has been safer. Providing effective car for people but some people have to travel further.  The alternative models being looked at aim to make the most impact as quickly as possible. In addition, no incidents had been reported nor negative feedback received. Many of the more complex services were already being provided by partners elsewhere that a small hospital could not be expected to provide, although this may not be widely understood.


g.      Cllr Willis suggestedthat it might be useful to share the Weston Hospital data with members of the Joint Committee.  Action: BNSSG CCG


The Chair thanked all present for their contributions and noted that the next meeting would be held in North Somerset.

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