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Agenda item

17/02049/F and 17/02050/LA - Redcliffe Wharf


Officers gave a presentation on this application and made the following key points:


(1)   Details of the proposals were outlined

(2)   22 additional written comments had been received in relation to the proposals since the Committee report had been published. All of these were objections save on which withdrew an initial objection from St Mary Redcliffe Church

(3)   A petition had been signed objecting to the proposals on the basis of harm to the Thekla Music Venue by approximately 12,500 persons but not yet served on Bristol City Council

(4)   There had been long and detailed negotiations with the applicant concerning affordable housing. There was a further contribution of 43 units which had been agreed by the applicant since the Committee report had been published. The Committee needed to give significant weight to the viability assessment


In response to members’ questions, officers made the following comments:


(5)   Condition 6 required the approval of noise insulation measures before the development commences which should address the concerns raised by the Thekla

(6)   Condition 2 would ensure the design of the proposed pontoon would not affect the listed wharf hall

(7)   The mooring berths would be let on a short term basis. There are similar short term mooring berths very close to the Thekla, Since this site was 150 metres away, there should be few issues arising from the relationship

(8)   With regard to the development viability and affordable housing contribution, the profit was based on 17.5 % profit of cost due to the fact that the scheme’s profit is largely generated by commercial land uses, rather than residential land uses

(9)   The price of the land was comparatively small for a prime city centre site (£770,000) as opposed to an average of approximately £3 Million for other sites

(10)                       Officers noted the comparisons drawn by some Committee members to a recent application for the Fleece. However, officers believed this situation was different because in their opinion  a noise condition would address these concerns

(11)                       The level of parking was appropriate for a city centre site. An Advice Note was recommended in the report clarifying that residents of the proposed development would not have access to Residents Parking Scheme permits, to prevent pressure on this

(12)                       One of the requirements of the design of the new link (to be funded by the development) was to take account of the heritage design of the Quakers Burial Ground

(13)                       Anything within the Section 106 agreement will have to comply with the rules set out in CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) regulations, especially regulation 122

(14)                       In response to whether rights of easement could be applied to limit complaints from occupant officers advised that it would not be appropriate to limit an individual’s right to make a complaint. Whilst it would be possible to agree a condition requiring developers to notify prospective purchasers to the Thekla venue, this would not be proportionate in officers’ view. It also would not be possible to enforce it

(15)                       The response to Bristol Waste Company was outlined. There is a condition controlling the waste on site which would require a Waste Management Strategy, including how vehicles will operate in a public space – the area identified as the public realm was outlined

(16)                       Fire vehicle tracking on site was indicated. Although the site was constrained, it met the requirements in Planning guidance in terms of emergency vehicle access

(17)                       The number of affordable houses assessed under the viability scheme was based on a calculation of the surplus and an assessment of the number of units that could be provided for this

(18)                       Officers would work with Property Services and homeless charities to engage with the various homeless people and rough sleepers who used the site

(19)                       Mooring would be as indicated in the drawings

(20)                       Check walls would be re-pointed and appropriate compliance provided by the planning enforcement team


Councillors noted that this was the last vacant part of the Harbourside. Whilst there was a need for housing, this was a good scheme combining housing and employment and was a significant development to the city.


Councillor Mike Davies moved, seconded by Councillor Richard Eddy and, upon being put to the vote, it was


Resolved (10 for, 1 against) – that the application be approved.


















Supporting documents: