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Agenda item

Ayan Dogan D & B Takeaway - Street Trading

Report to consider complaints in relation to Street Trading Consent(s) at Clare Street, Bristol




(Open session)


The applicant AD, his brother JD and Kerry Barker (Counsel for the applicant) were in attendance together with an interpreter for the applicant.

The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting and introductions were made.

The Licensing Officer presented the report and provided the following additional information:-

  • The applicant has agreed to address all concerns raised by Destination Bristol, which included repainting the trailer and moving it on and off the site at the start and end of trading each day.
  • From an officer perspective this would resolve the issues raised in the report

Mr Barker representing the applicant added the following information for consideration by the Committee:

·         The applicant has been trading at this site for 10 years.  He previously traded under the market regime and not the consent regime.  There has never been a problem at this location.

·         Renewals were not sent by post in this case, they were sent by email (as is now the practice) and the applicant had not receive them.  AD does not have an email account and JD was in Turkey with limited or no internet access.

·         The van should have been removed at the end of each trading day but the roadworks at the time prevented them from doing so.  It was not in the interest of the applicant to leave the vehicle in this location unattended as it was vulnerable to vandalism.

·         The conditions of the consent do not currently state that the van must be removed and the Committee were therefore asked to consider adding this condition when determining this application as a way of assuaging any concerns.

·         KB previously represented the Council in opposing the extension of ‘Kebab Corner’.  All concerned wanted units across the City Centre to aid dispersal during the night time economy.  The applicants offering assisted in that regard.

·         The applicant cleaned up the streets every night and essentially does a public service

AD added that he had never had any trouble in this location or been subject of any formal complaint.  At the end of the shift, staff often gave free food to homeless people.

The Licensing Officer and the applicant side left the room whilst the Sub-Committee considered its decision.


During deliberations, Members carefully considered the written and verbal evidence presented to them. Members stated this offer brought something important to the night-time economy and there was no evidence to suggest that it should not be located in this area.  The representation from Destination Bristol was not helpful as it did not provide any detail and had not been a formal complaint. Members decided to renew the consent with an additional condition to remove the trailer at the end of each night when trading hours had finished.


The Licensing Officer and applicant together with his representative returned to the room and were informed of the Sub-Committee’s decision, by the Chair.




That the renewal of Street Trading consent at Clare Street, Bristol be approved subject to the inclusion of an additional condition to remove the trailer at the end of each night when trading hours have finished.


Supporting documents: