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Redcliffe Corridor Improvements - Local Growth Fund Bid

04/09/2018 - Redcliffe Corridor Improvements - Local Growth Fund Bid



1. Approved the submission of an Outline Business Case to the Local Enterprise Partnership’s Local Growth Fund for £3.25m of funding to make changes to the highway along the Redcliffe Corridor


2. Approved the development of the preliminary design of a preferred option for the highway changes and delegate authority to the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration to approve the preferred Highway layout option in consultation with the Executive members for Transport and Connectivity; Strategic Planning and City Design; Housing.


3. Delegated authority to prepare and submit a Full Business Case for the preferred option to the Local Enterprise  Partnership’s Local Growth Fund to the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Executive members for Transport and Connectivity ; Strategic Planning and City Design; Housing.


4. Noted that if funding is approved, the decision to accept and give effect to the funding will be brought back to Cabinet