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Funding for Hengrove Park Enabling Works (Highways Junctions and Primary School)

01/09/2020 - Funding for Hengrove Park Enabling Works (Highways Junctions and Primary School)


1.       Approved new funding applications to the West of England Combined Authority.

2.       Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration to take all steps required to accept any funding award to be incorporated into the council’s capital programme, to deliver the rebuilding and expansion of Perry Court Primary School and facilitate the redevelopment of Hengrove Park.

3.       Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, to approve the allocation of up to an additional £5m of Strategic CIL funding (in addition to re-confirming the £5m allocation already approved by Cabinet in May 2019) to deliver the rebuilding and expansion of Perry Court Primary School, and facilitate the redevelopment of Hengrove Park, if the new WECA funding bid is unable to proceed or is unsuccessful.

4.       Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration to take all steps required to accept any funding award to be incorporated into the council’s capital programme, to deliver 3 new highways junctions and related sustainable travel improvements and facilitate the redevelopment of Hengrove Park .

5.       Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration to allocate up to £4.8m of Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (Strategic CIL) funding to deliver 3 new highways junctions and related sustainable travel improvements, and facilitate the redevelopment of Hengrove Park, if the new WECA funding bid is unable to proceed or is unsuccessful.