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Quarter 1 Financial report 2016/17

06/09/2016 - Quarter 1 Financial report 2016/17

1. Noted the contents of the Report and in particular the seriousness of the General Fund financial position of £29.1m forecast outturn deficit;


2. Agreed that Cabinet where appropriate, work with Officers in undertaking mitigating actions to bring the General Fund position closer to balance, in particular endorsing the actions to be led by the Interim Chief Executive, Interim Service Director: Finance and Strategic Leadership Team set out at paragraph 11;


3. Approved the changes to the current advertised opening hours of Museums, as

outlined in page 8 of the report, under Economy;


4. Noted that capital slippage from 2015/16 of £46.8m has been combined

with the 2016/17 Capital Programme, as detailed at paragraph 32 and Table 5.