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Combined E-scooter & E-bike on-street rental scheme

24/01/2023 - Combined E-scooter & E-bike on-street rental scheme

That Cabinet:

1.      Approved the proposal to work with WECA to deliver a combined e-scooter and e-bike rental scheme covering the interim period up until any permanent scheme is introduced following new powers to regulate schemes.

2.      Approved the principle of providing formalised rental parking managed by Bristol City Council, including on[1]street parking hubs and charging for the use of parking at a rate which will not have a detrimental impact on parking income.

3.      Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration to take all steps required to deliver the combined e-scooter / e-bike scheme including formalising operating agreements with WECA and delivering formalised rental parking where opportunities arise within existing programmes

4.      Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to bid for capital funding to deliver a large-scale rollout of rental parking.