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Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published

03/04/2018 - Item under APR16 - West of England Combined Authority Business Rates Supplements) Order 2018 ref: 329    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 03/04/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/04/2018

Effective from: 11/04/2018


Consent was given to the making of an order to confer the power to levy a business rate supplement on the WECA Mayor (subject to the WECA Monitoring Officer confirming they are satisfied that the draft statutory instrument provides for the conferral of this power).

03/04/2018 - The Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (England) Regulations 2017 Changes to Fixed Penalty Rates – retention of early payment rates ref: 324    Recommendations Approved

This report requests that Bristol City Council increases its fixed penalties relating to the environment from 1 April 2018. These revised penalties will be within the range set out in Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (England) Regulations 2017.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 03/04/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/04/2018

Effective from: 11/04/2018



1.             Agreed to continue the Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (England) Regulations 2017 default rates.

2.       Agreed to retain the early fixed penalty payment rate tier for littering, distribution of printed matter, graffiti and flyposting. For the period beginning 4 April 2018 and ending with 31 March 2019, the early payment rate for these offences is set at the lowest rate of £50.00, and from 1 April 2019, the early payment rate for these offences is set at the lowest rate of £65.00 (regulation 5).

3.       Agreed to remove the early payment rate of £60.00 for commercial waste receptacles, bringing it in line with other offences such as repairing vehicles on the road and selling cars on the road.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Kurt James

03/04/2018 - HR & Payroll System – procurement and implementation ref: 326    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks delegated approval for capital spend on the implementation, decommissioning and archiving costs of a HR and Payroll solution and integration of other back office systems. Also requested is approval for delegated authority to award a contract for a HR & Payroll system.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 03/04/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/04/2018

Effective from: 11/04/2018



1. Noted the project progress to date.

2. Allocated £2.8m from the Capital Programme for the project (to include implementation, decommissioning and archiving costs of a HR and Payroll solution) and integration of back office systems.

3. Delegated authority to the Interim Director of HR, Workforce and Organisational Design to award a contract for a HR & Payroll system for eight years (with the option for two extensions of two years each), in consultation with Deputy Mayor – Finance, Governance and Performance and Section 151 Officer. This will be paid for by revenue budget allocated for the existing contract.

Lead officer: John Walsh

03/04/2018 - Delivery of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures to reduce fuel poverty, household expenditure and carbon emissions ref: 325    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks permission for the council to deliver energy efficiency, smart energy-related technology and renewable energy measures to homeowners and rented homes across the City and beyond, formalising the role that the council has been undertaking since the administration of its former managing agent in 2015.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 03/04/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/04/2018

Effective from: 11/04/2018




1.             Agreed to continue to deliver energy efficiency, smart energy-related technology and renewable energy measures directly to private households in BS postcodes.


2.             Agreed to continue to work in partnership with and to develop new partnerships with organisations within the city to further meet the objectives of the programme.


3.             Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Communities, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Cabinet Member for Energy, Waste and Regulatory Services, to:

·         Procure and conclude contracts relating to the delivery of this programme up to an annual value of £1.0 million each, including any ECO funding agreement, measured term contract or framework agreement.

·         Submit funding bids that directly support

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: David White

03/04/2018 - Substance Misuse Re-commissioning - Complex Needs Element ref: 323    Recommendations Approved

A key decision is sought as: a) the treatment model that was originally approved by the H&WBB has changed in response to the Complex Needs lot; and b) the proposed solution seeks to invest more in commissioned services than the original approved commissioning budget.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 03/04/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/04/2018

Effective from: 11/04/2018




1.             Approved the contract variations to enable some of the complex needs functions to be integrated into existing ROADS (Recovery Orientated Alcohol & Drugs Service) contracts held with both Bristol Drugs Project and Developing Health and Independence.


2.             Agreed a direct award to AWP (Avon & Wiltshire Partnership Trust) for the Specialist Advisory functions.

Lead officer: Katherine Williams

03/04/2018 - Care Leaver Social Impact Bond – DfE Innovations fund award and next steps ref: 321    Recommendations Approved

This report recommends:
Accepting the Innovations fund award;
Entering into grant agreement with the Department for Education in relation to this funding;
Establishing a partnership agreement between Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset and Bath and North East Somerset councils

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 03/04/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/04/2018

Effective from: 11/04/2018



1.         Accepted the Innovations fund award and agreed to enter into grant agreement with the DfE in relation to the funding.

2.         Agreed to establish a partnership agreement between the Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset and Bath and North East Somerset councils, including sharing the administration and legal costs of establishing and running the social impact bond.

3.         Establish the partnership arrangements outlined in the report with or on behalf of the three participating local authorities with the SPV, including the terms by which outcome payments will be made to the SPV in line with the published rate card to deliver the proposal to support an increased proportion of care leavers into education, employment and training.

4.         Agreed to BCC resources in line with its share of the legal and administration costs of the partnership agreement and outcomes payment mechanism, including any requirement for independent audit.

5.         Delegated authority to the Director of Children and Families Services to enter into the agreements detailed in recommendations 1 to 4 and any others required to give effect to the proposal contained in this report of delivering a social impact bond focussed on supporting care leavers across those local authorities into education, training and employment.

Lead officer: Ann James

03/04/2018 - Council Tax Discretionary Relief Policy for Care Leavers ref: 322    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks agreement to implement the Council Tax Discretionary Relief Policy for Care Leavers to the age of 25, from the 1st of April 2018.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 03/04/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/04/2018

Effective from: 11/04/2018


Cabinet agreed to provide relief for all care leavers from council tax until their 25th birthday through implementation of the Council Tax Discretionary Relief Policy (Appendix A) effective from 1 April 2018

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Bonnie Curran

03/04/2018 - Strengthening Families Programme (system-wide transformation of children’s services) ref: 320    Recommendations Approved

This report recommends endorsement of the approach, objectives and investment priorities Strengthening Families Programme, a system-wide transformation of children’s services.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 03/04/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/04/2018

Effective from: 11/04/2018




1.              Endorsed the Strengthening Families programme approach and objectives and investment priorities as set out in the business case.


2.              Approved the allocation of £1.815m from expected capital receipts (as set out in the medium term financial plan) for the delivery of the programme by the end of 2019/20.


3.       Delegated further decision-making (including on all necessary procurements) within the agreed scope of the programme and allocated budget, and within approved schemes of delegation, to the Executive Director for Care & Safeguarding.

Lead officer: Jacqui Jensen

03/04/2018 - Better Lives Programme ref: 319    Recommendations Approved

A report to consider the Better Lives programme approach and objectives, and the investment priorities for the Improved Better Care Fund (IBCF)


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 03/04/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/04/2018

Effective from: 11/04/2018



1.       Agreed to continue to deliver the Better Lives programme in line with the current structure, activities and priorities, including the planned investment of Improved Better Care Fund money based on the priority areas indicated in Appendix A (Section 2.3).

2.       Agreed to seek further support from a delivery partner to work alongside the Council programme team during 2018/19 (as set out in Section 6.0 in Appendix A). The recommended procurement approach is to call off a framework agreement for a 12 month contract, with an agreed maximum spend during that period of £1 million, which can be drawn down as required based on the current performance of the programme (which will be monitored monthly).

3.       Approved the increased home care rate at a cost £396k in 2017/18 and provisional cost of £390k for 2018/19, until the current home care model and contract is re-commissioned later in 2018.

4.       Noted that changes to the current homecare and residential commissioning models are underway to achieve the above aims. More detailed reports on these changes will come to Cabinet in June and July 2018.

Lead officer: Terry Dafter

03/04/2018 - Bristol - becoming an Age-Friendly City (Non-key) ref: 327    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

This report seeks approval to start the process for Bristol to become a World Health Organisation Age-Friendly City and to join the Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 03/04/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/04/2018

Effective from: 03/04/2018


1.       Cabinet supported the work to become an Age Friendly City.

2.       The Mayor will be asked to write a letter to support the application for Bristol to join the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Network for Age Friendly Cities and Communities.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Terry Dafter

03/04/2018 - 2017/18 Budget Monitoring Report - P10 ref: 328    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

The Council approved budgets and directorate spending limits for the 2017/18 financial year on 21 February 2017. The purpose of this report is to inform Cabinet of the Council’s overall financial performance against revenue and capital budgets as at the end of January 2018

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 03/04/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/04/2018

Effective from: 03/04/2018



1.       Noted the extent of forecast revenue underspend at period 10 of (£0.4m)

2.       Noted the current forecast capital expenditure of £135.5m, which was £10.6m below the budgeted capital programme for the year.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Denise Murray