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Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published

28/07/2021 - Domestic Abuse Contract extension-Key emergency decision ref: 1135    Recommendations Approved

A further 6-month extension to the existing contract wasn't initially considered by procurement to be a key decision as each contract is below the threshold for a cabinet decision. Subsequent legal advice was that as the total amount of the contracts for the service are above the threshold, and a previous extension had been approved by Cabinet as a key decision, this was therefore also a key decision. The decision could not wait until the next Cabinet meeting as the consultation process to recommission the service would have had to have commenced prior to the Cabinet date to enable it to complete before the original contact end date, and;
• The commissioning strategy is not ready for public consultation because we need to ensure there is time for a strategic approach to include the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 duties, Mayoral Commission recommendations, and to share the future model and approach with members, providers, and communities for their input.
• The passing of the Domestic Abuse Act (not factored into commissioning timescales) has required a needs assessment which in turn will inform the commissioning plan.
• The Domestic Abuse Act required the establishment of a Partnership Board. This Board needs to be involved in advising on the commissioning plan and has only recently met for the first time.

Decision Maker: Director: Communities & Public Health

Decision published: 27/09/2021

Effective from: 28/07/2021


Emergency Key Decision to extend the domestic abuse and sexual violence contracts under the Finance Scheme of Delegations as an Urgent/Emergency Payment by 6 months until 31st October 2022.

Lead officer: Carol Slater

28/07/2021 - WE WORK for Everyone Programme. Permission to procure specialist employment support services to the value of £250,000 through existing programme funds ref: 1134    Recommendations Approved

The WE WORK for Everyone Programme supports people with a learning difficulty in finding, securing and maintaining paid employment. A report was taken to Cabinet on 5 November 2019 in relation to the bid for the grant funding (provided by ESF/WECA), but this did not cover the procurement of contracts necessary for the delivery of the programme.
An open framework has been set up and it is anticipated that there will be a total spend of approximately £1.9m on delivery of the programme which constitutes a key decision at Cabinet. Delaying the programme whilst a decision was awaited at Cabinet would have prejudiced the success of the programme and potentially would have placed the council in breach of its commitments to the grant providers.
Therefore the decision was taken to authorise spend up to £250k to ensure that commitments to the grant providers and participants (150 already enrolled) can be met in terms of the programme being delivered, to cover the period until a key decision on the remaining contract spend is taken at Cabinet.

Decision Maker: Director: Education and Skills

Decision published: 24/09/2021

Effective from: 28/07/2021


To allow an initial spend of up to £250k, whilst a report is taken to Cabinet in November 2021 in order for authorisation to be sought for the remainder of the funding, as this will constitute a key decision.

Lead officer: Jane Taylor

02/08/2021 - Additional DfE funding for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme ref: 1112    For Determination

Between October 2020 and January 2021 Bristol saw a 5% increase in the number of children in receipt of free school meals (FSM). It is likely that there will have been further increases in numbers since then. The Department for Education (DfE) has taken this additional need into consideration by allocating contingency funding directly to local authorities to further increase holiday and food provision for the 2021 summer holidays. In Bristol this equates to £140,300 of additional grant funding. This brings the overall funding received by Bristol City Council to £1,989,150. Bristol has already allocated 5/6ths, or £1,538,000, of the original funding for Easter and Summer holiday delivery. Coupled with the increase in FSM numbers this satisfies the DfE’s criteria for contingency funding.

Decision Maker: Director: Education and Skills

Decision published: 13/09/2021

Effective from: 02/08/2021


To accept the additional DfE Holiday Activity Fund contingency funding in the sum of £1450,300.

Lead officer: Thomas Jarvis

27/07/2021 - Awarding the contract for Stoke Park All Weather Path ref: 1109    Recommendations Approved

The Stoke Park All Weather Path project was tendered as a Lot7 on the BHAM

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 24/08/2021

Effective from: 27/07/2021


Approval to award the Stoke Park All Weather Path to Alun Griffiths Contractors Ltd.
Following the key decision taken on the 5th of February 2019 regarding External Funding to Support Housing Delivery authority to award external funding was given to the Executive Director of Growth

Lead officer: Louise Baker

29/07/2021 - Bristol Impact Fund 2021-2025: Award of Medium and Large Grants ref: 1103    Recommendations Approved

Award Bristol Impact Fund grants following the application and assessment to begin a new four -year programme on 1st October 2021.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Children & Education (DCS)

Decision published: 06/08/2021

Effective from: 29/07/2021


a) To approve £5.624m Bristol Impact Fund for medium and large grants to community and voluntary groups from 1st October 2021 to the 30st September 2025.
b) Allocate £200k funding over the period of the programme to support the development of a network or organisation run by and for people with learning difficulties.
c) Allocate £20k to support the development of community-led activity and groups in Hartcliffe.

Lead officer: Louise deCordova

04/08/2021 - Whittock Road, Stockwood BMX Track Upgrade ref: 1101    Recommendations Approved

The track at Stockwood opened in 2011 but some sections of the track have deteriorated over time due to disrepair, with some parts of the track not fit to be ridden. As a result, the track was included as part of a wider project to upgrade existing BMX track facilities and install new tracks such as the track at Hartcliffe. That project was managed by the Sports Development team under Guy Fishbourne
The revamped pump track has been designed for all wheels, including mountain bikes, scooters, BMXs, skateboards and skates, while the jump track will be more challenging. The upgrade will allow Access Sport to reach out to schools and underrepresented groups to help boost their confidence and learn new skills in an area which has low cycle usage
The project has the support of the local community and the two City Councillors for Stockwood, who supported the project and the funding applications made by Access Sport. The BMX club will be facilitated by Access Sport with a team of fully trained volunteers from the local community to develop capacity and sustainability
The funding for this project comes from a Section 106 allocation of £25000, a £50000 grant from Enovert Community Trust, £10000 from the John James Foundation and £100000 from the London Marathon Trust. Bristol City Council is funding this project with £18000 of revenue funding

Decision Maker: Director: Management of Place

Decision published: 05/08/2021

Effective from: 04/08/2021


To award a contract to Architrail Velosolutions Ltd for the upgrade of the existing BMX track at Whittock Road, Stockwood, and the addition of a BMX club container and supporting infrastructure including a new footpath

Lead officer: Louise Baker

28/07/2021 - BCC grant of £150,000 Grant to Southmead Development Trust for improvement works to the Ranch ref: 1100    Recommendations Approved

To mitigate for the loss of the Southmead Youth Centre as part of the wider community-led Southmead Masterplan and re-provide existing services at the Ranch, Bristol City Council is granting the existing leaseholders of the Ranch Adventure Playground, Southmead Development Trust, a £150,000 grant to undertake works to improve the facilities for local young people.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 04/08/2021

Effective from: 28/07/2021


BCC agrees to grant Southmead Development Trust £150,000 for improvement works to the Ranch Adventure Playground in Southmead. This will be a single payment to facilitate the works as soon as possible.

Lead officer: Louise Baker

29/07/2021 - Supported Move-on Support service contract ref: 1099    Recommendations Approved

To enable St Mungos to provide a support service to tenants they place in the Supported Move on Accommodation.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 04/08/2021

Effective from: 29/07/2021


To award a contract to St Mungo’s for the delivery of a three year support service linked to funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government) (MHCLG) for Supported Move-on Properties.
Key things to note:
-This is part of the NSAP (Next Steps Accommodation Programme) grant funding award from the MHCLG.
-BCC will be receiving the grant from MHCLG for this contract and paying it over to St Mungo’s as per the payment schedule
-Current contract term runs from 1st June (when first properties scheduled to be delivered) to end March 2024 when the NSAP revenue funding ends.
-Covers a support service being provided for 23 units of Supported Move-on Accommodation with a staffing structure of 1.6 FTE support workers
Approval to accept MHCLG grant funding for the overall NSAP programme was taken by Cabinet 3rd November 2020.

Lead officer: Louise Baker

26/07/2021 - Design, Supply and installation of Solar PV ref: 1098    Recommendations Approved

Bristol City Council have been successfully awarded funding from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to delivery energy saving measures to low-income, low-EPC rated households within Bristol and North Somerset. Bristol City Council’s Energy Service have developed the Bright Green Homes project and intend to install Solar PV systems and other energy saving measures to homes with this funding.

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 27/07/2021

Effective from: 26/07/2021


To award a contract to the successful tenderer for the provision of design, supply and installation of Solar PV systems to 175 homes across Bristol and North Somerset

Lead officer: Louise Baker

28/06/2021 - Bristol City Council School Term and Holiday Dates 2022/2023 ref: 1095    Recommendations Approved

Bristol City Council is required to set term dates for the Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools in Bristol in collaboration and co-ordination with Local Authorities in South West England, including neighbouring Local Authorities; Bath and North East Somerset, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset. The decision was put to public consultation which was open from 14th May to 25th June 2021, Other schools, which are not Community and VC schools, are responsible for setting their own dates so these may vary from those set by BCC.

Decision Maker: Director: Education and Skills

Decision published: 26/07/2021

Effective from: 28/06/2021


To proceed with the proposed school term and holiday dates for 2022/2023:
Term 1: Thursday 1st September 2022 to Friday 21st October 2022 (37 School Days)
Term 2: Monday 31st October 2022 to Friday 16th December 2022 (35 School Days)
Term 3: Tuesday 3rd January 2023 to Friday 10th February 2023 (29 School Days)
Term 4: Monday 20th February 2023 to Friday 31st March 2023 (30 School Days)
Term 5: Monday 17th April 2023 to Friday 26th May 2023 (29 School Days)
Term 6: Monday 5th June 2023 to Friday 21st July 2023 (35 School Days)
Total 195 School Days*
*In the school year 2022/23 pupils must attend for 190 days. School may decide which 5 days in the school year are INSET or non-contact days (days when pupils do not attend)

Lead officer: Alison Hurley

14/07/2021 - Investment in a situational acquisitive crime reduction project as a requirement of the award of the Home Office Safer Streets Fund 2 ref: 1096    Recommendations Approved

The use of Bristol City Council funds has attracted significant additional funding through the Home Office Grant. This additional investment in the city will enable delivery of an acquisitive crime reduction project to be undertaken in the areas of St Pauls and Portland Square. The area is currently home to approximately 1200 residential properties and is a well-used pedestrianised area for residents to access shopping areas and services. The intervention planned includes a variety of situational crime prevention initiatives such as installation of CCTV cameras, improved bicycle storage solutions, target hardening, improved community and neighbourhood watch initiatives. Implementation of these initiatives will serve to reduce acquisitive crime, reduce the fear of crime, and grow the power of these communities from within. The location for investment has been identified through analysis of crime data and engagement with partners and community groups.

Decision Maker: Director: Children, Families & Safer Communities

Decision published: 26/07/2021

Effective from: 14/07/2021


To align £100,500 of council funds to access the grant awarded through the Home Office Safer Streets 2 Fund Grant. Bristol City Council will spend the combined funds on delivering a situational acquisitive crime reduction project in the area of St Pauls and Portland Square (Ashley Ward).

Lead officer: Clare Sims

13/07/2021 - HIV Public Health Grant: Brigstowe ref: 1097    Recommendations Approved

HIV treatment is now so effective that life expectancy for people with HIV is no different to those without, if people are diagnosed and treated promptly. However people living with HIV consistently report experiencing a poorer quality of life and poor mental health as a result of their diagnosis. Furthermore HIV stigma in society compounds these issues whilst almost impacting on individuals being tested for HIV.
This grant funding is looking to address these issues by funding a local Voluntary Brigstowe to provide support to individuals affected by their HIV diagnosis, raise awareness of the impact of HIV stigma across Bristol and drive forward the actions in the HIV Fast Track Cities Action Plan which reports to the One City Office.

Decision Maker: Director: Communities & Public Health

Decision published: 26/07/2021

Effective from: 13/07/2021


To approve the decision to grant fund a local Voluntary Brigstowe to deliver the following HIV support elements from 2021/22 to 2023/24:
- Peer Support: Provide group HIV peer support to enable people to live well with HIV, be more resilient and independent.
- HIV Awareness Raising: To coordinate a team of awareness raising volunteers who live with HIV to expand opportunities to raise awareness of HIV amongst the public, the NHS and employers in Bristol.
- Tackling HIV Stigma: To support the delivery of relevant HIV stigma actions from the Bristol Fast Track Cities Action Plan and coordinate the support of the tackling stigma workstream of the Bristol Fast Track Cities Initiative. This may include developing education packages, and HIV charter and stigma survey
- Supporting other Bristol Fast Track Cities Initiative actions such as intensive support for those not engaged in treatment.

Lead officer: Christina Gray

29/10/2020 - Local Authority Compliance and Enforcement Grant: COVID Marshalls ref: 1094    Recommendations Approved

The Local Authority Compliance and Enforcement Grant is a ring fenced grant to be used for the specific purpose of COVID -19 compliance and enforcement activity only. The Director of Public Health, with the Chief Executive Officer, is responsible for advising the authority in relation to the Local Authority Compliance and Enforcement Grant and associated funding.
COVID-19 Marshalls are essential in promoting COVID secure practices. Director of Public Health recommends COVID-19 Marshalls as they will:
opromote social distancing and encourage public compliance with COVID-19 public health measures
oeducate and explain COVID-19 Secure guidelines in the public realm and for business premises
oidentify and support businesses and premises not following guidelines, escalating as appropriate
COVID-19 Marshalls will not enforce regulations or have any enforcement power. COVID-19 Marshalls will work with the police and Bristol City Council compliance and enforcement officers.

Decision Maker: Director: Communities & Public Health

Decision published: 26/07/2021

Effective from: 29/10/2020


To use funding from the Local Authority Compliance and Enforcement Grant to pay for COVID-19 Marshalls, to promote COVID secure practices.

Lead officer: Christina Gray