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Decision to procure RentSense cloud based software

Recommendation to award a contract to Mobysoft Ltd for the provision of RentSense software is based on a number of reasons:
- Workload is increasing due to Universal Credit rollout and unexpected Covid-19 devastating impact on the economy further surge in arrears increasing staff’s workload and support recovery planning.
- Prior to the Covid-19 crisis, the rent service required a 100% plus collection rate to reduce arrears.
- Proposal projected to improve arrears reporting processes, ensuring that officer time is spent efficiently and on cases that need attention.
- Support tenant wellbeing and empowerment by providing targeted support work
- 10-14 weeks implementation period – which will enable the Rent Service to have the solution in place before the end of the Government’s Job Retention Scheme in October.
- RentSense is the only solution on the G-Cloud 11 framework to provide this service

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2020

Decision due: 30 Jun 2020 by Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Contact: Francesca Barclay, Director Assistant of Denise Murray Email:
