- Issue Content
Issue details
YTL Arena Bristol – Travel Mitigations
1. To provide an update on cross-boundary
joint working for the delivery of transport infrastructure to serve
Bristol YTL Arena, supporting various housing developments and
addressing local transport concerns.
2. To summarise the package of measures required to be delivered
and operational by summer/autumn 2024 opening date for the Bristol
YTL Arena.
3. To seek agreement to proceed, in partnership with South
Gloucestershire Council (SGC), with an Outline Business Case (OBC)
for the obtaining of West of England Combined Authority (WECA)
funding to supplement existing s106 monies towards the delivery of
transport infrastructure to serve Bristol YTL Arena as well as
various housing developments.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Result in expenditure of £500,000 or over;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston; Central; Henbury and Brentry; Southmead;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/12/2021
Decision due: 18 Jan 2022 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member with responsibility for Transport
Contact: John Roy, Group Manager – Transport Assets Email:
Scrutiny Remit / Input: Growth and Regeneration Scrutiny Commission
- 18/01/2022 - YTL Arena Bristol – Travel Mitigations
Agenda items
- 18/01/2022 - Cabinet YTL Arena Bristol – Travel Mitigations 18/01/2022