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Issue details
Community Led Housing Land Disposal Policy – Disposal of Land to Community Groups
To enable release of sites specifically to the
community led housing sector via an open, transparent bidding
process for the delivery of community led Affordable Housing to
meet Corporate objectives of taking an ‘asset-based community
development’ approach to work with communities and to deliver
1000 Affordable Homes a year by 2024. To support community led
housing offering local communities and Community Land Trust, the
opportunity to develop sites that have particular characteristics
and constraints that make them unattractive for other housing
development operators.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/11/2022
Decision due: 18 Nov 2022 by Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Lead member: Councillor Tom Renhard, Leader of the Labour Group
Contact: Louise Baker, Executive Support Manager Email: