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Issue details

Acquisition of former Dovercourt Gas works site, Lockleaze, Bristol BS7 9SE

Housing Supply - Ensure the affordability, availability, diversity and sustainability of housing for all. This includes accelerating home-building in the city to at least 2,000 homes each year, with at least 1,000 affordable, by 2024. Build and retain new social housing; review the system for allocating social housing; provide more supported and extra-care housing for those who need it; pursue a ‘living rent’ in the city; and ensure there are strong long-term plans for the council’s own housing stock and the use of land in the city
The proposal will facilitate the supply of housing and affordable housing which will be of benefit to the population of Lockleaze and the whole city.
Acquisition to comply with Homes England’s external Lockleaze HIF funding award which Cabinet agreed to accept and spend in March 2018.
The Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes and the S151 Officer were both consulted and support this acquisition.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/11/2022

Decision due: 28 Nov 2022 by Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Lead member: Councillor Tom Renhard, Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery & Homelessness and Leader of the Labour Group

Contact: Louise Baker, Executive Support Manager Email:
