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Issue details
Provision of Enterprise Geographical Information System (GIS) platform
This is the only product of this system
available via the eMarketplace catalogue, which enables the council
to make a compliant direct award to renew an incumbent and
implemented system under the Crown Commercial Services framework
for Data and Application Solutions (RM3821). The council is doing
this to maintain both internal and public facing geographical
systems, data, and processes, which are vital to the delivery of
council services. E.g. web forms that rely on location data such as
address/street information to function, calculating school
admissions distances, waste services, planning maps etc.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/05/2023
Decision due: 28 Mar 2023 by Director: Legal and Democratic Services (MO & SIRO)
Lead member: Councillor Craig Cheney, Designated Deputy Mayor with responsibility for City Economy Finance & Performance
Contact: Tim Borrett, Director: Policy, Strategy and Digital Email: