- Forward plan Content
Forward plan
Forward Plan Update 7 January 2019 (07/01/2019 to 07/04/2020, Cabinet)
No. | Item |
1. |
Bristol Waste Business Plan 2019/20 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: David Lawrence Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons Explanation of anticipated restriction: |
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Risk Management and Assurance Policy Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Jan Cadby Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Jan Cadby Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Procurement of contract for Avon and Somerset Coroner deceased transport Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Yvonne Dawes Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons Explanation of anticipated restriction: |
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Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Jacqueline Miller Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Local Government Corporate Peer Challenge Report Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Mike Jackson Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Simon Oliver Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Budget Recommendations to Full Council, including the Treasury Management Strategy Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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2018/19 Period 7 Forecast Outturn Report Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Samantha Flowers Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons Explanation of anticipated restriction: |
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Dedicated Schools Grant 2019/20 Budget Proposals Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Michael Pilcher Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Housing Revenue Account 2019/20 budget proposals Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Julian Higson Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Somewhere Safe to Stay Award (Early Adopter) Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: Carmel Brogan, Hywel Caddy Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Department of Transport Road Maintenance Grant Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 22 Jan 2019 Lead officer: David Bunting Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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2018/19 Period 8 Forecast Outturn Report Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Feb 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2019/20 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Feb 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
18. |
West of England Waste Treatment Contract 2020 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Mar 2019 Lead officer: Patsy Mellor Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
19. |
Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone Infrastructure Programme Budget Review Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Feb 2019 Lead officer: Oliver Coltman Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Commissioning 11 and 11A Bus Service Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Feb 2019 Lead officer: Pete Woodhouse Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
21. |
Allocation of External Funding to Support Housing Delivery New! Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Feb 2019 Lead officer: Colin Molton Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/01/2019 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
22. |
Supported Family Accommodation Framework New! Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Feb 2019 Lead officer: Colin Molton Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/01/2019 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
23. |
Recommissioning Advocacy services Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Mar 2019 Lead officer: Simon Dicker Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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2018/19 Period 9 Forecast Outturn Report Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Mar 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
25. |
Bristol City Council Business Plan 19/20 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 2 Apr 2019 Lead officer: Tim Borrett Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
26. |
Bristol Energy Ltd Business Plan 2019/20 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 2 Apr 2019 Lead officer: David Lawrence Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - |
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Bristol Holding Company Business Plan Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 2 Apr 2019 Lead officer: David Lawrence Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - |
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Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 2 Apr 2019 Lead officer: David White Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - |
29. |
The Park Community Trust - Proposed Construction of Secondary School Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Mar 2019 Lead officer: Steve Matthews Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Houses in Multiple Occupation Licensing Scheme Extension Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 2 Apr 2019 Lead officer: Tom Gilchrist Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Cattle Market Rd Site Demolition Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 2 Apr 2019 Lead officer: Richard Marsh Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Bristol City Council Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 18 Jun 2019 Lead officer: Nuala Gallagher Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
33. |
Budget Monitoring Out turn report P10 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 2 Apr 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Budget Monitoring Out turn report P11 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision due: 7 May 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Abandoned Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Budget Monitoring Out turn report P2 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision due: 2 Jul 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in) Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
36. |
Budget Monitoring Out turn report P3 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 3 Sep 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Budget Monitoring Out turn report P5 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision due: 1 Oct 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in) Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
38. |
Budget Monitoring Out turn report P6 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Nov 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Budget Monitoring Out turn report P7 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 3 Dec 2019 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Budget Monitoring Out turn report P8 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 21 Jan 2020 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Budget Monitoring Outturn report P9 Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 4 Feb 2020 Lead officer: Denise Murray Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Feb 2019; Date to be determined Lead officer: Steve Matthews Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Decision maker: Cabinet Decision: 5 Mar 2019 Lead officer: Nuala Gallagher Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Assistive Technology Service Model Decision maker: Cabinet Decision due: Before 5 May 2020; Date to be determined Lead officer: Terry Dafter Decision status: Abandoned Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Decision maker: Cabinet Decision due: 2 Jul 2019; Date to be determined Lead officer: Christina Gray Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in) Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Household Waste Reuse and Recycling Centre Decision maker: Cabinet Decision due: 18 Jun 2019; Date to be determined Lead officer: Colin Molton Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in) Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Decision maker: Cabinet Decision due: Before 5 May 2020; Date to be determined Lead officer: David Bunting Decision status: Abandoned Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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Decision maker: Cabinet Decision due: 2 Jul 2019; Date to be determined Lead officer: Adam Crowther Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in) Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
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A4018 outcome of consultation & request to submit full business case to WECA Decision maker: Cabinet Decision due: 18 Jun 2019; Date to be determined Lead officer: Steven Riley Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in) Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/12/2018 Anticipated restriction: Open - |