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Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions

Contact: Norman Cornthwaite 

Link: Watch Live Webcast

No. Item


Welcome, Introduction and Safety Information pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and issued the safety information.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Cllrs Katja Hornchen (substitute Philippa Hulme) and Chris Windows.



Declarations of Interest

To note any interests relevant to the consideration of items on the agenda.


Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which are not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.




Cllr Hulme stated that application 22/01608/FB - Garages Bell Close was in her Ward.



Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 195 KB

To agree the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record.


Resolved – that the Minutes of 3rd August 2022 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Action Sheet - To follow

The Committee is requested to note any outstanding actions listed on the rolling Action Sheet for DCB Committee.


The Planning Co-ordinator, Development Management stated that he would contact Cllr Poultney outside the Meeting concerning Alfred Place.



Appeals pdf icon PDF 230 KB

To note appeals lodged, imminent public inquiries and appeals awaiting decision.


The Head of Development Management introduced the report.


He drew attention to Item No. 9 Home Gardens and advised that the Appeal would be the subject of an Informal Hearing on 15th November 2022.



Enforcement pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To note enforcement notices.




The Service Manager, Development Management introduced the report.


He advised that Items 3 to 6 are re-served Notices.



Public forum pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Any member of the public or councillor may participate in public forum. The detailed  arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda. Please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:



Written questions must be received three clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be received at the latest by 5pm on Thursday 6th October 2022.


Petitions and statements:

Petitions and statements must be received by noon on the working day prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that your submission must be received at the latest by 12.00 noon on Tuesday 11th October 2022.


The statement should be addressed to the Service Director, Legal Services, c/o The Democratic Services Team, City Hall, 3rd Floor Deanery Wing, College Green,

P O Box 3176, Bristol, BS3 9FS or email -




In accordance with previous practice adopted for people wishing to speak at Development Control Committees, please note that you may only be allowed 1 minute subject to the number of requests received for the meeting.



Additional documents:


Members of the Committee received Public Forum Statements in advance of the meeting.


The Statements were heard before the application they related to and were taken fully into consideration by the Committee prior to reaching a decision.



Planning and Development pdf icon PDF 56 KB

To consider the following applications for Development Control Committee B -


The Committee considered the following applications.



22/02677/COND - Romney House Romney Avenue Bristol BS7 9TB pdf icon PDF 10 MB


The Case Officer introduced the report, summarised it for everyone and gave a presentation.


The application is for approval of details reserved by condition 2 (Site levels) of Reserved Matters approval 20/05477/M, which approved the detailed layout, appearance, landscaping and scale of the residential development of 268 dwellings (Use Class C3), originally approved by Outline permission 18/00703/P (cross boundary application with South Gloucestershire Council) (major application).


Cllr Breckels moved the Officer Recommendation.


Cllr Bennett seconded this Motion.


On being put to the Vote it was


Resolved – (Voting 6 for, 1 abstention) that Condition 2 attached to 20/05477/M be discharged.



22/00632/PB - Bristol City Council Depot Dovercourt Road Bristol BS7 9SH pdf icon PDF 10 MB


(Cllr Brown joined the Meeting during this item but did not participate in the item.)


The Case Officer introduced the report, summarised it for everyone and gave a presentation.


The application is for Outline Planning Permission for up to 140 residential dwellings. All matters except means of access to the site reserved.


The following answers were provided to questions:


·             At present the entire carriageway including both footways is 8 metres wide, each footway is 1.5 metres wide; it is proposed to increase the width of 1 footway to 2 metres wide, with a consequent reduction in the width of the vehicular carriageway

·            Traffic calming measures on Dovercourt Road are included as Conditions; details of the measures would be included in Reserved Matters

·            Details of the visibility requirements at the junction were provided

·            A carriageway width of 5.5 metres is considered to be acceptable to allow 2 vehicles to pass each other

·            The site can be accessed from both the North and the South

·            Members were advised when considering the access to the site for the development, that they should bear in mind the levels of traffic generated by the site in its present lawful use; the access to the site from Dovercourt Road is considered to be acceptable

·            An advice has been included concerning a cycle way on Concord Way and the teams involved in it working together; more will be known about this issue when the Reserved Matters comes before the Committee

·            There will be parking restrictions on the access road to the site

·            Although there was a permission for the site granted in 1988, the present application is being judged on a different set of criteria

·            The site is still being used for storage purposes

·            MOUs have been used for a number of years to enable contributions to be made by other parts of BCC in relation to developments; the Council cannot enter into a legal agreement with itself; any defaults would be raised with relevant Cabinet Member and the Monitoring Officer

·            The applicant will have to update their arboricultural information to take account of the Condition relating to the number of trees to be provided on the site

·            The level of traffic that will be generated by the development has been compared to the present levels of traffic




  • The site is capable of accommodating the number of dwellings proposed, which will include affordable housing, and the access to the site is considered to be acceptable
  • This is a brownfield site which is appropriate for the proposed development
  • Adequate traffic calming measures are required
  • Concerns about access to the site including from adjacent main roads
  • Concerns about the amount of traffic the development will generate
  • A lot of people in Bristol are in need of housing
  • The access meets the standards required
  • Would like to see the site linked to Concorde Way


It was noted that the applicant is committed to the affordable housing requirements and the sustainability requirements relating to energy efficiency. Any deviation from either  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


22/01608/FB - Garages Bell Close Bristol pdf icon PDF 4 MB


The Chair noted that there had been an informal site visit earlier that day.


The Case Officer introduced the report, summarised it for everyone and gave a presentation.


Redevelopment of site to provide 9no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3) together with car and cycle parking, refuse and recycling storage, and hard and soft landscaping.


The following answers were provided to questions:


  • There are no concerns about amenity for residents on the site
  • There is guidance in the report about the size of the properties and it is considered that the design of the properties is appropriate for the level of occupancy, however the number of people who live in each unit cannot be controlled
  • The access into the site is considered to be safe and the issue of the movement of the gates is being resolved, although it falls outside this application
  • The road would be managed by a management company as the road would not adopted – although it will be built to an adoptable standard it would not be wide enough
  • There is not information relating to the sunlight and daylight details for the proposed properties, however the proposals were assessed against neighbouring properties and the scheme was considered to be acceptable; there are no concerns about the daylight for the proposed properties that would merit a refusal
  • Although some of the properties exceed the Manual for Streets guidance and the Bristol Waste guidance, it was noted that these are only guidance and not mandatory and therefore would not constitute a reason for refusal; it is a compromise to enable the site to be developed for housing
  • It was confirmed that a fire appliance would be able to access the site
  • As the road would not be adopted the management company would be responsible for managing the parking arrangements
  • The buildings would be required to meet Building Regulations Standards and there are an increasing number of applications across the City for Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), one of which has won a number of awards; this is the first application for this particular product




  • A brownfield site and is a good idea, will provide decent sustainable accommodation and will be a quick construction
  • Some reservations about the design of the site
  • There are not many alternatives to this proposal for redeveloping the site
  • It was suggested that a Condition relating to the rear access be included, but it was suggested that the inclusion of an Advice Note would be more appropriate
  • Some concerns about the light and the space in the units
  • A very good idea
  • Site visit was useful


Councillor Poultney moved the Officer Recommendation.


Councillor Breckels seconded the Motion.


On being put to the vote it was


Resolved – (Voting 8 for, 0 against) that the application be granted subject to Conditions.



21/05341/F - 21 Oak Road Bristol BS7 8RY pdf icon PDF 535 KB


The Case Officer introduced the report, summarised it for everyone and gave a presentation.


The change of use from residential dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) for up to 6 residents (Use Class C4), with associated cycle and refuse/recycling storage.


The Case Officer informed Committee that the applicant has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate for non-determination.


The following answers were provided to questions:


  • There are more HMOs that have been licensed than there were identified at the time of the previous Committee Meeting
  • One has been granted a licence but does not have planning permission
  • The data on HMOs is updated every 4 to 6 weeks; updates have taken place on 26th June, 25th July, 23rd August, 6th September and 10th October
  • Any data presented has to be based on factual evidence
  • Members are being asked to endorse the reasons for refusal for the purposes of an Appeal for non-determination.
  • Any unauthorised HMOs need to be reported and are then investigated by Enforcement
  • Only the lawful HMOs can be taken into account – licensed or having planning permission
  • This number is now over the 10% threshold so it is considered appropriate any further applications would be refused and that this refusal can be justified at Appeal
  • There was a recent paper on the importance of resourcing properly to monitor and enforce HMO regulations was presented to Scrutiny; a lot of work has been done on HMOs and this work is showing results


Councillor Poultney moved the Officer Recommendation.


Councillor Bennett seconded this Motion.


On being put to the vote it was


Resolved – (Voting 8 for, 0 against) that, if the Committee had the power to determine the application, it would REFUSE planning permission on the grounds of a sandwiching effect on Nos. 17 and 19 Oak Road caused by the existence of a new HMO License granted to Number 15 Oak Road on 13th June 2022 and a harmful concentration of HMOs in the immediate area as set out in the HMO SPD (2020) which would have a detrimental impact on the amenity of the area. The application would therefore be contrary to the Council's 'Managing the development of houses in multiple occupation' Supplementary Planning Document (2020); Policy DM2 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (2014) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).



Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 26th October 2022 at 6.00 pm.


Wednesday 26th October 2022 at 6.00 pm.



Amendment Sheet pdf icon PDF 53 KB


The Amendment Sheet was noted.