- Agenda and minutes Content
Agenda and minutes
- Attendance details
- Agenda frontsheet
PDF 236 KB
- Agenda reports pack
- Petitions Notified by Councillors for 12 September 2023 Full Council
PDF 439 KB
- Public Forum Received for 12 Sep 2023 Full Coucil
PDF 1018 KB
- Labour and Green Amendment to Conservative Golden Motion
PDF 374 KB
- Altered Labour Silver Motion
PDF 264 KB
- Public Forum Question Responses 12 Sep 2023 Full Council
PDF 743 KB
- Printed decisions made / minutes
PDF 222 KB
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Oliver Harrison
Link: Watch Live webcast
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Deputy Lord Mayor welcomed all attendees to the meeting and issued the safety information.
It was noted that the Lord Mayor had been unwell for the past two months but his health was now improving. Full Council expressed their best wishes to the Lord Mayor and their hope for his swift recovery.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were heard from the Lord Mayor and Councillors Bradshaw, Cheney, Cole, Crawford, Davies, English, Francis, Geater, Hance, Hornchen and Pearce. |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from the Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Minutes: None received. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Minutes: On the motion of the Lord Mayor, seconded by Councillor Parsons, it was
That the minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on the 11th July 2023 be confirmed as correct record and signed by the Lord Mayor. |
Lord Mayor's Business To note any announcements from the Lord Mayor Minutes: There was none. |
Public Petitions, Statements and Questions Public forum items can be about any matter the Council is responsible for or which directly affects the city. Submissions will be treated in order of receipt and as many people shall be called upon as is possible within the time allowed within the meeting (normally 30 minutes).
Further rules can be found within our Council Procedure Rules within the Constitution.
Please note that the following deadlines apply to this meeting:
a. Public petitions and statements: Petitions and written statements must be received by 12 noon on Friday 8 September 2023 at latest. One written statement per member of the public is permitted.
b. Public questions: Written public questions must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 6 September 2023 at latest. A maximum of 2 questions per memberof the public is permitted. Questions should be addressed to the Mayor or relevant Cabinet Member.
Public forum items should be e-mailed to Additional documents: Minutes: Public Statements: Full Council received and noted the following statements (which were referred to the Mayor for his consideration)
Within the time available, statements 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13 and 14 were presented by individuals at the meeting.
Public Questions Full Council noted that the following questions had been submitted:
Within the time available, the Mayor responded verbally to questions 1, 2, 4 and 6 also responding to supplementary questions.
Petitions Notified by Councillors Please note: Up to 10 minutes is allowed for this item.
Petitions notified by Councillors can be about any matter the Council is responsible for or which directly affects the city. The deadline for the notification of petitions to this meeting is 12 noon on Monday 11 September 2023 Minutes: The Full Council received and noted the following petitions:
Annual Report of Audit Committee Recommendation: That Full Council notes the Annual Report of the Audit Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: Full Council considered the Annual Report of Audit Committee.
Councillor Andrew Brown moved the report as Chair of the Audit Committee.
Following debate it was
RESOLVED: Full Council NOTED the Annual Report of Audit Committee. |
HR Committee Annual Report Recommendation: That Full council notes the Human Resources Committee Annual Report. Additional documents: Minutes: Full Council considered the HR Committee Annual Report.
Councillor Farrah Hussain moved the report as Vice Chair of the HR Committee.
Following debate it was
RESOLVED: Full Council NOTED the HR Committee Annual Report. |
Extension of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service Appointment Recommendation: That the appointment of Stephen Peacock as Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service is extended until 31 December 2024. Minutes: Full Council considered a report on the Extension of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service Appointment.
Councillor Tony Dyer moved the report and recommendations. Councillor Richard Eddy seconded the report.
There was no debate and upon being put to the vote, the recommendations were APPROVED and it was
RESOLVED: That the appointment of Stephen Peacock as Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service is extended until 31 December 2024. |
Note: Under the Council’s constitution, 30 minutes are available for the consideration of motions. In practice, this realistically means that there is usually only time for one, or possibly two motions to be considered.
With the agreement of the Lord Mayor, motion 1 below will be considered at this meeting, and motion 2 is likely to be considered, subject to time.
Details of other motions submitted, (which, due to time constraints, are very unlikely to be considered at this meeting) are also set out for information.
“This Council recognises that much of the city’s vital infrastructure is crumbling and in need of substantial repair. The deteriorating and worsening condition of our highways from neglected potholes demonstrates that far more resources need to be invested in restoring, renovating, and resurfacing the road network.
Council acknowledges the positive news of additional Government funding – nearly £1m from the Pothole Action Fund – which recognises that the ‘curse of potholes’ is not only an inconvenience to road users, but also a danger to life, limb, and property. However, much more needs to be done locally if the Authority is to meet its statutory obligations. Aside from the threats posed by the poor physical state of our roads, Council is concerned over the delays in reinstating white markings to surfaces following redressing. The absence of such features can cause safety issues.
Council accepts that a more equitable funding allocation for minor traffic schemes in Area Committees is necessary to end the current system whereby some wards benefit at the expense of others within these groupings. This can be particularly unfair on those parts of the city which do not benefit from CIL funding.
Council endorses the introduction of lane rental charging of third parties which would levy a fee for each day that a road is closed for work. At present, utility companies pay a single small sum to get a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) which lasts for 18 months. In practice, this situation provides no incentive for them to get upgrades or repairs done quickly.
Furthermore, Council notes that the latest schematics for the upgraded A37/4018 and A4 strategic bus corridors still requires further mitigation measures if this major transport route is to deliver real improvements to the travelling public.
Accordingly, Council calls on the Mayor to undertake the following actions:-
1. Conduct an urgent review of the Highways Department’s operating practices and procedures to expedite or provide more timely interventions. 2. Reconsider his Administration’s current corporate priorities and the capital programme to identify where greater investment can be found for the better upkeep of carriageways across Bristol. 3. Introduce a lane rental scheme to expedite works on our roads – something which has previously been considered by Highways Officers. 4. Support the convening of a dedicated Scrutiny Inquiry Day tasked with finding realistic and workable solutions to these challenges. 5. Consider implementing any or all recommendations ... view the full agenda text for item 11. Additional documents:
Councillor Steve Smith moved the following motion:
“This Council recognises that much of the city’s vital infrastructure is crumbling and in need of substantial repair. The deteriorating and worsening condition of our highways from neglected potholes demonstrates that far more resources need to be invested in restoring, renovating, and resurfacing the road network.
Council acknowledges the positive news of additional Government funding – nearly £1m from the Pothole Action Fund – which recognises that the ‘curse of potholes’ is not only an inconvenience to road users, but also a danger to life, limb, and property. However, much more needs to be done locally if the Authority is to meet its statutory obligations. Aside from the threats posed by the poor physical state of our roads, Council is concerned over the delays in reinstating white markings to surfaces following redressing. The absence of such features can cause safety issues.
Council accepts that a more equitable funding allocation for minor traffic schemes in Area Committees is necessary to end the current system whereby some wards benefit at the expense of others within these groupings. This can be particularly unfair on those parts of the city which do not benefit from CIL funding.
Council endorses the introduction of lane rental charging of third parties which would levy a fee for each day that a road is closed for work. At present, utility companies pay a single small sum to get a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) which lasts for 18 months. In practice, this situation provides no incentive for them to get upgrades or repairs done quickly.
Furthermore, Council notes that the latest schematics for the upgraded A37/4018 and A4 strategic bus corridors still requires further mitigation measures if this major transport route is to deliver real improvements to the travelling public.
Accordingly, Council calls on the Mayor to undertake the following actions:-
1. Conduct an urgent review of the Highways Department’s operating practices and procedures to expedite or provide more timely interventions.
2. Reconsider his Administration’s current corporate priorities and the capital programme to identify where greater investment can be found for the better upkeep of carriageways across Bristol.
3. Introduce a lane rental scheme to expedite works on our roads – something which has previously been considered by Highways Officers.
4. Support the convening of a dedicated Scrutiny Inquiry Day tasked with finding realistic and workable solutions to these challenges. 5. Consider implementing any or all recommendations which arise out of such deliberations.”
The motion was seconded by Councillor Graham Morris.
Councillor Fabian Breckels then moved the following amendment:
That the motion be amended to read as follows:
“This Council recognises that much of the city’s vital infrastructure is crumbling and in need of substantial repair. the deteriorating and worsening condition of our highways demonstrates that far more resources need to be invested in our city, including restoring, renovating, and resurfacing the road network.
Council acknowledges the positive news of additional ... view the full minutes text for item 11.