- Agenda and minutes Content
Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Louise deCordova
Link: Watch Live Webcast
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions Members of the public attending the meeting are asked to please note that, in the interests of health, safety and security, bags may be searched on entry to the building. Everyone attending this meeting is also asked please to behave with due courtesy and to conduct themselves in a reasonable way.
Please note: if the alarm sounds during the meeting, everyone should please exit the building via the way they came in, via the main entrance lobby area, and then the front ramp. Please then assemble on the paved area in front of the building on College Green by the flag poles.
If the front entrance cannot be used, alternative exits are available via staircases 2 and 3 to the left and right of the Conference Hall. These exit to the rear of the building. The lifts are not to be used. Then please make your way to the assembly point at the front of the building. Please do not return to the building until instructed to do so by the fire warden(s).
Due to Covid Safety requirements we have put the following measures in place:
· All attendees to Full Council are asked to have a Covid lateral flow test 24 hrs prior to the day of the meeting and show the results of a negative test. It’s important that you report the results of your test and that you get confirmation sent to your phone. Reception staff may ask to see this on the day of the meeting. If you have a positive test or if you develop any Covid 19 symptoms – high temperature, a new continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste, you should book a test on .GOV.UK and self-isolate while you wait for the results.
· You are required to wear a face mask at all times unless you are exempt or presenting your public forum. Social distancing rules remain in place.
· Councillors are permitted to remove their face coverings once seated.
· Members of the press and public who wish to attend City Hall are advised that you may be asked to watch the meeting on a screen in another room due to the maximum occupancy of the venue. Minutes: The Lord Mayor welcomed all attendees to the meeting and made a safety announcement in relation to the emergency evacuation procedure. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were heard from Councillors Bailes, Bartle, Bradshaw, Cheney, Craig, Davies, Denyer, English, Fitzgibbon, Fitzjohn, Francis, Godwin, Hathway, Michallat, Parsons, Plowden, Quartley, James Scott, Sharon Scott, Morris, Varney and Wye. |
Appointment of Honorary Aldermen and Honorary Alderwomen Full Council is asked to consider the recommendations of the Audit Committee’s Values and Ethics Sub-Committee and confer the title of Honorary Alderman and Honorary Alderwoman of the City and County of Bristol upon former councillors Mark Brain, Barry Clark, Margaret Hickman, Jeff Lovell, Olly Mead, Mhairi Threlfall and Estella Tincknell. Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. The Full Council considered a report from the Director, Legal and Democratic Services recommending the appointment of Mark Brain as Honorary Alderman of the City and Council of Bristol. Councillor Goggin moved the appointment of Mark Brain as an Honorary Alderman. Councillor Gollop seconded the motion. On being put to vote it was: RESOLVED: That Mark Brain be appointed as an Honorary Alderman of the City and County of Bristol. Honorary Alderman Mark Brain received his badge and certificate from the Lord Mayor and addressed Full Council.
2. The Full Council considered a report from the Director, Legal and Democratic Services recommending the appointment of Barry Clarke as Honorary Alderman of the City and Council of Bristol. Councillor Jackson moved the appointment of Barry Clarke as an Honorary Alderman. Councillor O’Rourke seconded the motion. On being put to vote it was: RESOLVED: That Barry Clarke be appointed as an Honorary Alderman of the City and County of Bristol. Honorary Alderman Barry Clarke received his badge and certificate from the Lord Mayor and addressed Full Council.
3. The Full Council considered a report from the Director, Legal and Democratic Services recommending the appointment of Jeff Lovell as Honorary Alderman of the City and Council of Bristol. Councillor Jackson moved the appointment of Jeff Lovell as an Honorary Alderman. Councillor O’Rourke seconded the motion. On being put to vote it was RESOLVED: That Jeff Lovell be appointed as an Honorary Alderman of the City and County of Bristol. Honorary Alderman Jeff Lovell was unable to attend the meeting.
4. The Full Council considered a report from the Director, Legal and Democratic Services recommending the appointment of Margret Hickman as Honorary Alderwoman of the City and Council of Bristol. Councillor Alexander moved the appointment of Margret Hickman as an Honorary Alderwoman. Councillor Kent seconded the motion. On being put to vote it was: RESOLVED: That Margaret Hickman be appointed as an Honorary Alderwoman of the City and County of Bristol. Honorary Alderwoman Margaret Hickman received her badge and certificate from the Lord Mayor and addressed Full Council.
5. The Full Council considered a report from the Director, Legal and Democratic Services recommending the appointment of Olly Mead as Honorary Alderman of the City and Council of Bristol. Councillor Renhard moved the appointment of Olly Mead as an Honorary Alderman. Councillor Fodor seconded the motion. On being put to vote it was: RESOLVED: That Olly Mead be appointed as an Honorary Alderman of the City and County of Bristol. Honorary Alderman Olly Mead received his badge and certificate from the Lord Mayor and addressed Full Council.
6. The Full Council considered a report from the Director, Legal and Democratic Services recommending the appointment of Mhairi Threlfall as Honorary Alderwoman of the City and Council of Bristol. Councillor Bennett moved the appointment of Mhairi Threlfall as an Honorary Alderwoman. Councillor Weston seconded the motion. On being put to vote it was: RESOLVED: That Mhairi Threlfall be appointed as an Honorary Alderwoman of the City ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Appointment of Honorary Aldermen and Honorary Alderwomen Full Council is asked to consider the recommendations of the Audit Committee’s Values and Ethics Sub-Committee and confer the title of Honorary Alderman and Honorary Alderwoman of the City and County of Bristol upon former councillors Charlie Bolton, Stephen Clarke, Ashley Fox, Claire Hiscott, Sultan Khan and Anthony Negus.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 8. The Full Council considered a report from the Director, Legal and Democratic Services recommending the appointment of Charlie Bolton as Honorary Alderman of the City and Council of Bristol. Councillor Stafford-Townsend moved the appointment of Charlie Bolton as an Honorary Alderman. Councillor Clark seconded the motion. On being put to vote it was: RESOLVED: That Charlie Bolton be appointed as an Honorary Alderman of the City and County of Bristol. Honorary Alderman Charlie Bolton received his badge and certificate from the Lord Mayor and addressed Full Council.
9. The Full Council considered a report from the Director, Legal and Democratic Services recommending the appointment of Stephen Clarke as Honorary Alderman of the City and Council of Bristol. Councillor Dyer moved the appointment of Stephen Clarke as an Honorary Alderman. Councillor Gollop seconded the motion. On being put to vote it was: RESOLVED: That Stephen Clarke be appointed as an Honorary Alderman of the City and County of Bristol. Honorary Alderman Stephen Clarke received his badge and certificate from the Lord Mayor and addressed Full Council.
10. The Full Council considered a report from the Director, Legal and Democratic Services recommending the appointment of Ashley Fox as Honorary Alderman of the City and Council of Bristol. Councillor Gollop moved the appointment of Ashley Fox as an Honorary Alderman. Councillor Clark seconded the motion. On being put to vote it was: RESOLVED: That Ashley Fox be appointed as an Honorary Alderman of the City and County of Bristol. Honorary Alderman Ashley Fox received his badge and certificate from the Lord Mayor and addressed Full Council.
11. The Full Council considered a report from the Director, Legal and Democratic Services recommending the appointment of Claire Hiscott as Honorary Alderman of the City and Council of Bristol. Councillor Weston moved the appointment of Claire Hiscott as an Honorary Alderman. Councillor Hulme seconded the motion. On being put to vote it was: RESOLVED: That Claire Hiscott be appointed as an Honorary Alderman of the City and County of Bristol. Honorary Alderman Claire Hiscott received her badge and certificate from the Lord Mayor and addressed Full Council.
12. The Full Council considered a report from the Director, Legal and Democratic Services recommending the appointment of Sultan Khan as Honorary Alderman of the City and Council of Bristol. Councillor Hopkins moved the appointment of Sultan Khan as an Honorary Alderman. Councillor Eddy seconded the motion. On being put to vote it was: RESOLVED: That Sultan Khan be appointed as an Honorary Alderman of the City and County of Bristol. Honorary Alderman Sultan Khan received his badge and certificate from the Lord Mayor and addressed Full Council. |