No. |
Item |
15. |
Public Forum
There was no public forum.
16. |
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for absence
The Board welcomed Peter Daw, who had been
elected to sit on the Board as a Tenant Representative of the
Housing Management Board.
Apologies were received from Nick Horne,
Robert Kerse and Ian Knight.
The Board were informed that Nick Horne would
soon be leaving the area to take up a new job as Chief Executive of
a Housing Trust in Manchester.
17. |
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 153 KB
The minutes of the 31 January 2019 were agreed
as a correct record.
Matters arising:
- Homes for Heroes 100
Year Celebration/Launch of Bristol Housing Partnership
AA reported that following the Bristol Housing
Partnership would be combining the event of 4 June with the launch
of the BJP Charter and circulated copies of the Charter to Board
LW reported that, as part of the centenary
celebrations, the Hillfields project
would be launching an event on 6 April which would include teaching
8 year olds how to do an access audit and design their own
- Housing
PS confirmed that there was no Housing
Trajectory report on the agenda for this meeting, but there would
be an update at the next meeting. He
reported the following changes:
- The planning application for the
Hengrove Park development had been
refused by the Development Control Committee, and the Council was
in the process of drawing up amended plans;
- In terms of smaller development
sites, there had been an increase in developers selling houses for
affordable housing and in some cases,
this had amounted to 100% of houses. In
response to a concern that this may result in affordable housing
being concentrated in certain areas, he confirmed these were small
sites of 15-30 houses with a tendency for no existing affordable
housing provision.
18. |
Skills Academies 3.20pm PDF 370 KB
Presentations by Miriam Venner (City of
Bristol College) and Charlotte Olver
(Galliford Try)
Additional documents:
The Board received a joint presentation from
Charlotte Olver (Galliford Try) and
Miriam Venner (City of Bristol College) about work to develop
construction skills academies with a view to meeting the demand for
skills shortages in the industry and providing career opportunities
for local communities.
MV reported that:
- The City of Bristol College had
invested in a £9m development project at Hengrove, predominately funding through the Local
Enterprise Partnership, with a view to training skilled workers in
the construction industry;
- The planning process was underway
and the project was due to open in September 2021;
- The project responded to a local
skills shortage and a projected demand for 80,000 skilled jobs in
the future;
- The project would start with 850
students and would grow year on year;
- The new curriculum offer would
include higher apprenticeships; provide more traditional training
routes and form part of a coherent regional plan for skills
- The project looked to involve local
young people and address the current situation where South Bristol
had a large number of NEETS (young people not in Employment,
Education or Training);
- The facility would allow students to
work in an outside area to give them a real experience of a
construction site;
- In delivering the project, the City
of Bristol College was working with key employers such as Galliford
CO reports as follows:
- Galliford Try launched its first
skills academy in 2017 and now had 8; the most recent being in
Blackberry Hill, Fishponds;
- The academy initiative was to create
an on-site experience for students to try and engage them with
- The initiative was targeted at the
long term unemployed and hard to reach people to give them a taste
of the construction industry;
- The initiative had a dual purpose of
addressing the construction skills and housing shortages and
providing training opportunities for people looking for
work. The on-site training academies
allowed students to be trained in the Green CSCS (Construction
Skills Certification Scheme) Card which was necessary for anyone
wishing to work on a construction site;
- The academy in Bristol was working
closely with the City of Bristol College and supporting students in
advance of the new facilities opening;
- The on-site training was
particularly important to give people a real experience of the
work, as a lot of construction workers leave the industry within 2
- Since starting the initiative,
Galliford Try had engaged with over 2,000 people and many lives had
changed as a result.
The following comments were raised:
- There was a shortage of people being
trained in the Chartered Institute of Housing qualification and
this could be something that the City of Bristol College could
consider in the future;
- These initiatives could feed in with
community led housing projects such as the Fishponds project.
In response to questions from Board Members,
MV/CO confirmed that:
- It was recognised that there were a
number of potential workers, many of them skilled, in the homeless
community who didn’t have English as a first language and
City ...
view the full minutes text for item 18.
19. |
Local Plan Update 3.50pm PDF 72 KB
O’Driscoll/Colin Chapman – Bristol City
PS reported that the Mayor had launched the
consultation on the Local Plan Update on Monday 18th
SO gave a presentation on the Local Plan
update as follows:
- This was a refresh of the Bristol
Local Plan and the proposals were out for consultation until 24 May
- The review programme linked with the
Joint Spatial Plan timescales and it was anticipated that the JSP
would be adopted at the end of 2019 and the updated Local Plan
approved at the end of 2020;
- The consultation had been promoted
online and through social media, press releases and hard copies
would be available in libraries from 1 April;
- Officers would attend meetings of
stakeholder organisations on request;
- There were 4 elements to the
- Development of strategy and areas of
growth and regeneration;
- Draft development management
- Proposals for open space
- Draft development site
- In relation to housing, the plan
aimed to:
- Meet and exceed Joint Spatial Plan
target (33,500 homes)
- Encourage community led-housing and
- Manage student accommodation;
- Ensure that homes were
- The following areas had been
identified for growth and regeneration:
- Central: Western harbour/Frome
Gateway/ Bristol Temple Quarter and St Philips Marsh;
- East Bristol/Central Fishponds and
Lawrence Hill;
- South: Bath Road Brislington (former green belt) Hengrove
- Green belt changes were proposed for
areas at Ashton Vale, Yew Tree Farm and on the boundary with North
The following comments were raised
- Accessible homes needed to meet the
latest standards;
- Local Plan should look at interim
uses which could meet the needs of homeless people.
In response to questions, SO confirmed:
- She was willing to engage separately
with local groups (by direct contact or via the Local Plan
website), but asked all groups to engage with the consultation
- The Plan would last until 2036 with
a rolling review every 5 years;
- There were a number of policies that
wouldn’t change from the current Local Plan and in future
versions the retained policies would also be included ;
- There was an aspiration within the
plan to fit in the with Council’s Policy on Climate Change
and there were opportunities to achieve these aims;
- That 3 major development sites
identified were in flood plains and the Council would need to
justify and mitigate for development in these areas. She firmed that the Council was engaged in a
process with the Environment Agency;
- She would clarify if the policy
included the Environmental Access Standard;
- The new Plan did not carry any
significant weight at the moment in terms of planning
- The Plan was due to be endorsed at
full Council in November.
20. |
Shelter - A Vision for Social Housing 4.20pm PDF 538 KB
Presentation by Penny Walster, Shelter
Penny Walster gave
a presentation on the Shelter Vision for Social Housing as
- Shelter established a Commission
after the Grenfell Tower disaster of 2017 where the local community
felt that their concerns had not been heard and that social housing
tenants did not have a voice;
- The Commission was set up with 16
diverse Commissioners including politicians from across the
political parties, representatives of the local community in the
Grenfell area and social housing experts;
- The recurring themes following a 12
month process of community engagement were:
- Social housing was not affordable
- People feel powerless;
- Concerns about who can and
can’t access social housing;
- Not enough social housing;
- The future of social housing.
- The Commission came up with
“big asks”
- 3.1m more social homes over the next
20 years;
The need for a reform in the renting system to
introduce a new regulator, improve standards and give social
renters a stronger voice;
- The Commission’s report was
launched in January and been publicised by the panel;
- The “ask” of the Bristol
Homes Board was how they wanted to be involved in taking the
recommendations forward.
In terms of Bristol City Council support for
the vision, PS confirmed that:
- The Council had worked to provide
Shelter with the accurate data for the Bristol area;
- The removal of the borrowing cap on
the Housing Revenue Account was beneficial to local authorities and
would allow council housing to play a big role in delivering
additional social housing.
The following comments were raised by Board
- applaud the document and the vision
of Shelter;
- there would need to be a range of
different solutions to achieve the 3.1 million target;
- the Board could address some of the
policy issues through the trajectory review;
- a change to the rules to tighten
Section 106 Agreements would help achieve the target;
- Shelter would need to meet at a
national level with housing industry representatives, such as
Galliford Try, to gauge the view of the industry on land
price/supply and looking at reforming the land compensation
- Concern that an
additional 3.1m social homes over 20 years may not be enough
to address the problem.
In response to concerns that a 20 year
strategy would not address the interim challenge of people living
on the streets, PS confirmed that the Council would soon be
consulting on a Rough Sleeping/Homeless Strategy and this would
come back to the board.
In response to requests from the Board, PW
confirmed that she would be willing to come and talk to local
groups about the Shelter vision and also recommended that people
engage with the Government Spending Review.
21. |
Any Other Business
The following items
were suggested for future meetings:
Social Housing – Who is it for?;
Discretionary Licensing;
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy;
Tenants’ Federation.