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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: City Hall

Contact: Norman Cornthwaite 

No. Item


Apologies and introductions


Apologies were received from Councillor Nicola Beech and Cullum McAlpine.


Everyone introduced themselves.



Minutes of last meeting pdf icon PDF 176 KB


Resolved – that the Minutes of the last Meeting be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Lord Mayor.


Declarations of interest


There were none.



Public Forum

Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum.


The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda.  Public Forum items should be emailed to and please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:-


Petitions and Statements - Petitions and statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting.  For this meeting this means that your submission must be received in this office at the latest by 12.00 noon on Friday 23rd September 2016.


The following Statements were received and noted:


Anne Lawrence – Massive Attack

Liz Tomlinson – Massive attack

Robin Page – Cycling on the Downs

Becky Moss - Cycling on the Downs

Guy Price - Cycling on the Downs

Jon Usher - Cycling on the Downs

Keith Bonham - Cycling on the Downs

Martin Key - Cycling on the Downs

Philip Adkins - Cycling on the Downs

Poppy Brett - Cycling on the Downs

Vicki Cracknell - Cycling on the Downs

SWTN – Public Transport


A copy of the Statements is contained in Minute Book.


Friends of the Downs and Avon Gorge (FODAG) pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To note.


Robert Westlake introduced this report and summarised it for everyone.


Francis Greenacre suggested that a letter of thanks be sent to FODAG on behalf of the Committee and this was agreed.


Resolved – that the report be noted.


Downs Management Report pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To note the points and agree the recommendations made in the report.

Additional documents:


Andrew Gordon introduced the report and summarised it for everyone.


Parks Budget


Gemma Dando explained that the Parks Budget is being reviewed and that as a result of this review the budget level for the Downs may change. It has also become apparent that the income from football does not cover the costs. Prior to presenting propels for changes she stated that she would like to meet informally with some Members the Downs Committee to hear their views – initially in relation to football and then the budget as a whole. This was agreed.


Place and Movement Framework


It was noted that a meeting of the Sub Group is to be arranged.


Management Plan


The recommendations in the report were agreed.


Ice Cream Concession


Members did not agree with the recommendations in the report. They did not consider that a discount should be offered or that a parking space be created. They considered that the concessionaire should have taken account of the parking restrictions in force when tendering for the concession.


Risk Assessment


The recommendations were agreed.


Resolved – (1) that the report be noted and that the recommendations in the report be agreed including the following:


(a)          that the changes to timetable for producing a combined Downs and Gorge Plan be noted and the proposal to undertake a city wide consultation be approved;

(b)          that the ice cream concession is not offered a discount for 2016 of approximately 10%;


(c)           that a parking space is not created on the Downs along Ladies Mile to enable the concession to operate;


(d)          that the terms and conditions for the tender documents for both Parry’s Lane and ice cream concession be approved;

(e)          that the outcome of the PS & P committee meeting for the Sea Walls concession be noted;


(f)            that a Sub Group be set up to consider and make recommendations to the full Committee on the terms and conditions to be attached to any retendering documents for the Sea Walls concession;


(g)          that note the outcome of the meeting with Service Directors be noted; and


that the health and safety works be carried out around the café and changing ro


Delegated and Upcoming Events Proposed on The Downs pdf icon PDF 97 KB

That the proposed future events to take place on The Downs between Committee meetings be noted.


That the events and filming activity that has taken place on The Downs under delegated powers be noted            


Melissa Inman and Philip Walker introduced this report and summarised it for everyone.


In response to questions concerning the site hire fee of 45k (of which £38,250 is income to the Downs Committee)  for the Massive Attack concert, it was explained that this was the highest fee received for an event the City and that fees had to be fair and take account of the costs involved in staging the event.


It was also confirmed that officers will feedback with DC after debrief with the Massive Attack concert organisers and include in the subsequent Downs Committee report.


Resolved – that the report be noted.


Finance Report

(To follow.)


No report was available. It was noted however that the draft accounts to end of Q1 showed no material over or underspend forecast. The key feature to date is the significant income from the concert on the Downs which will be accounted for after this quarter. This income did not form part of the initial income budget.


There was no change to previous reported reserves position.


Review of parking restriction scheme & site for ice cream concession pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To note the contents of this report and clarify the position regarding support or otherwise for:

i. The proposed additional parking restrictions in the Downs and Sneyd Park area, notably in Downleaze, Rockleaze and Parrys Lane.

ii. The proposed location for the ice cream concession on Ladies Mile and the need to fund the changes.


Robert Grieve introduced this report and summarised it for everyone.


It was noted that as part of the Downs Management Report the committee had already resolved that a parking space is not created on the Downs along Ladies Mile to enable the concession to operate.


Resolved - that the contents of this report including the proposed additional parking restrictions in the Downs and Sneyd Park area, notably in Downleaze, Rockleaze and Parrys Lane be noted.


Any Other Business


There was none.