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Agenda and minutes

Venue: A Committee Room - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions

No. Item


Election of Chair


Councillor Celia Phipps was elected Chair for the meeting.



Apologies for absence pdf icon PDF 97 KB


Apologies received from Councillors Mark Bradshaw, Tony Carey, Jon Wellington.



Declarations of Interest


None declared.



Approval of minutes from previous meetings pdf icon PDF 202 KB

Additional documents:


Minutes of Area Committee 5 for 13 September 2018 and 18 October 2018 were approved as a correct record.



Public Forum statements

Members of the public may make a written statement ask a question or present a petition to most meetings.  Your statement or question will be sent to the Committee and be available in the meeting room one hour before the meeting.  Please submit it to or Democratic Services Section, City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5UY.  The following requirements apply:


·       The statement is received no later than 12.00 noon on the working day before the meetingand is about a matter which is the responsibility of the committee concerned.

·       The question is received no later than three clear working days before the meeting. 



Members of the Committee received a public forum Statement from the Eastwood Park Farm group.

 (The Statement is held on public record at ).



Report of Community Resources Manager, Neighbourhoods & Communities pdf icon PDF 718 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee noted that at the end August 2019 they have £240,033.53 CIL available to commit.

The Committee discussed various options in respect of how to proceed with Priority 1 Projects and Priority 2 Projects. It was noted that if all Priority 1 Projects were funded there would be a budget over- commitment of £50k. It was suggested that some proposals could be deferred or funded in part but most members were supportive of approving all first proposals in anticipation of further CIL funding in the near future.


It was moved and seconded that all Priority 1 Projects be approved and on being put to the vote it was unanimously agreed. The motion was carried: see funding table decisions, below


With regard to Priority 2 Projects members debated whether to hold a second meeting in January 2020 to consider them, when the level of CIL funding would be better known. Members were informed that the Terms of Reference only referred to an annual meeting of the Area Committee however if it was necessary it would be possible to hold a second meeting as happened in the previous financial year. It was possible that by then a further £100k of CIL funding might be available.


After further discussion it was agreed that the three Priority 2 Projects submitted could be approved at this meeting, instead of a further meeting in January 2020. This was on the understanding that AC5 was over-committing its currently available CIL budget and that this over-commitment would be met by future CIL income. The Committee did not request a Full Proposal from Way Out West but they were invited to submit a proposal into the 2020 process.


It was then moved and seconded that the three Priority 2 Projects be approved with 30% reductions of  funding for the two higher-cost projects. On being put to the vote there were six in favour and three abstentions. The motion was carried: see funding table decisions, below




Stage 2 Proposal

Delivery body

Full Proposal £ approved

CIL Agreed

S106 Agreed

S106 eligible contribution approved


Priority 1 Proposals


Luckwell Primary School: 2 x pedestrian crossings:

BCC Transport




98/03650 / Sainsburys, Winterstoke Road, Ashton: £14,527.09; 95/01815 / Former Winterstoke Road Bus Station, Ashton: £24,001.97 ;  98/02234 / Trafalgar House, Winterstoke Road, Ashton: £2,897.46


Any conditions:



Gathorne Road residents: road safety Gathorne Road / North Street

BCC Transport






Any conditions:



A pedestrian crossing between Victoria Park and St Lukes Steps, Totterdown.

BCC Transport






Any conditions:



A safe crossing on Wells Road between Knowle Post Office and Totterdown Baptist Church

BCC Transport






Any conditions:



Eastwood Farm Park: Improvements and upgrade to play equipment

BCC Parks






Any conditions:

CIL funding acts as leverage for the group, working with BCC Parks, to raise additional funding to deliver the project


Replacement tree planting and tree planting in Parks/open space

Tree Bristol




£3,870.10 - 13/04143 144-152  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.