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Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: A Committee Room - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Election of Chair Minutes: Resolved – That Councillor Richard Eddy be elected as Chair of the Committee.
The Chair shared reflections on the Area Committee process for 2024/25, considering the following:
· Elections in May · Backlog of transport projects causing delays · Deficit funding in some areas · Change to committee system The Chair shared feedback that he was in support of an AC-by-AC decision as to whether to take a fallow year in 2024/25. Community Resources Manager proposed that a decision be taken at the February meeting.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Andrew Brown, Paul Goggin, Christopher Jackson. |
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting on 24th November 2022 be approved as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Zoe Goodman declared membership of Filwood Broadway Working Group and recent appointment as a Director of Re:work Ltd.
Public Forum Members of the public may make a written statement ask a question or present a petition to most meetings. Your statement or question will be sent to the Committee members prior to the meeting. Please submit it to or Democratic Services Section, City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5UY. The following requirements apply: The statement is received no later than 12.00 noon on the working day before the meeting, 22 September 2023 and is about a matter which is the responsibility of the committee concerned. The question is received no later than three clear working days before the meeting 5pm 19 September 2023. Minutes: None received.
Community Resources Manager Update and Decision Additional documents:
Minutes: The Community Resources Manager introduced the report and gave a brief overview before discussing projects for consideration. The report set out the available funds for allocation by Area Committee 6 and listed the proposals to be considered.
As AC6 was in deficit of general CIL funds to allocate, no prioritisation of proposals had taken place and therefore could not be considered at this meeting, with the exception of those which fell within the Hengrove and Whitchurch Park Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) area. Consideration would also be given to decision-making on tree replacement using earmarked Section 106 funds.
5a) The Committee noted the following time limited S106 at risk if money was not allocated and considered whether or not approve the spend.
Agreed that the full spend of £24,097.48 be approved. 5b) The Committee was asked to note that there was a £20,000-time limited S106 available until 28th November 2023.
Members noted that the Transport team had advised that the £20,000 available was not sufficient to deliver any of the proposed works. The funding could potentially be combined with CIL to deliver proposal AC623P95 – Whitchurch Lane and Whitchurch Road as outlined in Appendix 3 of the report. The Committee was reminded to note the current deficit of general CIL funding.
Following discussion, it was agreed to refocus proposal AC623P95 on the zebra crossing part of the overall traffic calming measures, and this was anticipated to cost approximately £60k. The S106 £20k could be put toward this (purpose of contribution ‘(b) upgrading pedestrian crossing facilities on Whitchurch Lane’) pending further funding becoming available from CIL.
Agreed that proposal AC623P95 be invited to Stage 2 for BCC Transport to develop a full project proposal for a budget of £60,000, and that the S106 funds of £20k be combined with CIL monies and allocated for this proposal, focusing on pedestrian crossing facilities on Whitchurch Lane.
5c) Proposal 1: Tree Bristol Tree Planting Proposal
Members considered the proposal as set out below.