- Agenda and decisions Content
Agenda and decisions
- Attendance details
- Agenda frontsheet PDF 595 KB
- Agenda reports pack
- Supplement - Item 17 Finance Outturn Report 2021/22 PDF 5 MB
- Changing Futures - Equalities Impact Assessment PDF 1 MB
- Public Forum Statements and Questions PDF 4 MB
- Amended Appendix PDF 941 KB
- Statement from OSMB PDF 1 MB
- Answers to Questions PDF 3 MB
- Q4 - Amended Appendix PDF 1 MB
- Printed decisions PDF 627 KB
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Corrina Haskins
Link: Watch Live Webcast
No. | Item |
Welcome and Safety Information Members of the public intending to attend the meeting are asked to please note that, in the interests of health, safety and security, bags maybe searched on entry to the building. Everyone attending this meeting is also asked please to behave with due courtesy and to conduct themselves in a reasonable way.
Please note: if the alarm sounds during the meeting, everyone should please exit the building via the way they came in, via the main entrance lobby area, and then the front ramp. Please then assemble on the paved area in front of the building on College Green by the flag poles.
If the front entrance cannot be used, alternative exits are available via staircases 2 and 3 to the left and right of the Conference Hall. These exit to the rear of the building. The lifts are not to be used. Then please make your way to the assembly point at the front of the building. Please do not return to the building until instructed to do so by the fire warden(s).
Up to one hour is allowed for this item
Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum. Petitions, statements and questions received by the deadlines below will be taken at the start of the agenda item to which they relate to.
Petitions and statements (must be about matters on the agenda): • Members of the public and members of the council, provided they give notice in writing or by e-mail (and include their name, address, and ‘details of the wording of the petition, and, in the case of a statement, a copy of the submission) by no later than 12 noon on the working day before the meeting, may present a petition or submit a statement to the Cabinet.
• One statement per member of the public and one statement per member of council shall be admissible.
• A maximum of one minute shall be allowed to present each petition and statement.
• The deadline for receipt of petitions and statements for the 13 July Cabinet is 12 noon on Monday 12 July 2021. These should be sent, in writing or by e-mail to:
Questions (must be about matters on the agenda): • A question may be asked by a member of the public or a member of Council, provided they give notice in writing or by e-mail (and include their name and address) no later than 3 clear working days before the day of the meeting.
• Questions must identify the member of the Cabinet to whom they are put.
• A maximum of 2 written questions per person can be asked. At the meeting, a maximum of 2 supplementary questions may be asked. A supplementary question must arise directly out of the original question or reply.
• Replies to questions will be given verbally at the meeting. If a reply cannot be given at the meeting (including due to lack of time) or if written confirmation of the verbal reply is requested by the questioner, a written reply will be provided within 10 working days of the meeting.
• The deadline for receipt of questions for the 13 July Cabinet is 5.00 pm on Wednesday 7 July. These should be sent, in writing or by e-mail to:
When submitting a question or statement please indicate whether you are planning to attend the meeting to present your statement or receive a verbal reply to your question
Additional documents:
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from the Mayor and Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Matters referred to the Mayor for reconsideration by a scrutiny commission or by Full Council (subject to a maximum of three items)
Reports from scrutiny commission PDF 329 KB Additional documents: |
Chair's Business To note any announcements from the Chair |
Additional Highways Maintenance Funding Allocation PDF 556 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet:
Children’s Social Care and Special Education Spot Purchase Placements PDF 543 KB Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet:
Additional documents: Decision: For Elmfield School, Cabinet:
For Trinity Academy, Cabinet:
Amendments to the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership Constitution PDF 750 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet
City Centre and High Streets Recovery PDF 581 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet
St Philips Reuse and Recycling Centre - Lease renewal PDF 682 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet
Re-tender of the Network and Telephony contract PDF 555 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet
Changing Futures MHCLG Bid Submission PDF 731 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet
Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet
P2 Finance Outturn Report 2021/22 PDF 589 KB To Follow. Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet noted:
Bristol’s Drug and Alcohol Strategy 2021-25 and funding PDF 675 KB Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet notes:
Quarterly Performance Progress Report (Q4 - 2020/21) PDF 740 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet note the report and measures underway to improve future performance.