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2018/19 Period 8 Forecast Outturn Report

05/02/2019 - 2018/19 Period 8 Forecast Outturn Report

Cabinet Noted:

1. the overall forecast outturn position for general funded services is as per the revised budget (Appendix A -Table 1).

2. the Directorate budgets approved by Full Council now reflect the organisational restructure (Appendix A - Table 2).

3. the forecast underspend position with regard to the Housing Revenue Account has increased by (£1.4m) to a forecast year end position of (£5.7m) (Appendix A4).

4. the movement in the DSG forecast of (£0.228m), which increases the forecast carry forward underspend to (£0.4m) (Appendix A5).

5. the further reduction in required drawdown from Public Health reserve to £1.750m, from an original plan of £1.8m (Appendix A6).

6. the current forecast capital spend of £158m against the capital programme budget of £163m (Appendix A – Table 4). 

7. the forecast movement in reserves of £31m (Appendix A - Table 6).