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Budget Monitoring Outturn report P10

04/02/2020 - Budget Monitoring Outturn report P9

Cabinet approved:

1.      A net reallocation of £1.178m reserves as reflected in 2020 Budget report and set out in detail Appendix A;

Cabinet noted:

2.      A risk of overspend on General fund services of £6.1m for 19/20 representing 1.6% of the approved budget (Appendix A), supplementary estimates requests will be expected to balance the 2019/20 in-year position;

3.      A forecast £2.6m underspend position with regard to the Housing Revenue Account and any underspend at year-end will be carried forward and built into the future programme;

4.      A forecast £0.8m overspend for the Dedicated Schools Grant against approved budget;

5.      Risks of £0.1m overspend to be covered by ring-fenced reserves on Public health, which is being monitored;

6.      The Sundry Debt position of £20.8m over 90 days as at Period 9, slightly increased from £20.5m since P8. Individual directorate detail included under Appendix A1-6.