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Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published

01/05/2019 - Bristol City Council School Term Dates 2020/2021 ref: 538    Recommendations Approved

The Department for Education requires Local Authorities to set term dates for community and voluntary controlled schools, community special schools and maintained nursery schools. The Education (School Day and School Year) (England) Regulations 1999 (SI 1999 No. 3181) requires schools to have at least 380 half-day sessions (190 days) in each school year, beginning with the first term to start after July. This is consistent with the 195 days a year required by a teacher's statutory conditions of service: the additional five days are for in-service training (known as INSET days).

Decision Maker: Director: Education and Skills

Decision published: 30/05/2019

Effective from: 01/05/2019


Following consultation to proceed with the proposed school term dates for the academic year 2020/2021.

Lead officer: Alan Stubbersfield

21/02/2019 - Application for variation of a premises licence in respect of Ashton Gate Stadium, Bristol City Football Club, Ashton Road, Bristol BS3 2EJ ref: 521    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Licensing (Hearings) Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 21/02/2019 - Licensing (Hearings) Sub-Committee

Decision published: 03/05/2019

Effective from: 21/02/2019




The Committee considered the Application after hearing the representations made. They had regard to the Licensing objectives under Licensing Act 2003, the Councils Licensing Policy, The Secretary of States guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003.


The Committee only imposed conditions which it regarded as necessary and proportionate to the promotion of the Licensing Objectives.


The Committee determined to grant the application in part and reject in part and subject to conditions as set out in the Operating Schedule as steps. The element of the application rejected being the 4000 capacity ie. the difference between 32,000 capacity plus up to 2000 members of staff and 38,000 capacity as originally applied for.


The Committee also agreed to the addition of Lansdown Suite to the premises licence as an area for the provision of Boxing and Wrestling.


The licensable activities (days and times) and hours the premises will be open to the public granted are as applied for.


The conditions attached are detailed in the following appendices:






Summary of the reasons:


The Committee had due regard to representations made acknowledging the following:-


1. It gave great weight to the evidence of Responsible Authorities, the Safety Advisory Group and Emergency Services that the capacity number was acceptable;

2. It welcomed the detailed and comprehensive Traffic Management Plan produced by the applicant;

3. It welcomed the prudent approach from the applicant regarding a detailed review of all arrangements after each concert in order to implement further improvements prior to the next concert;

4. It was satisfied that the applicant had comprehensively addressed its previous concerns and the licensing objectives were fully promoted.






30/04/2019 - Hengrove Park Perfect Circle Contract – Supplementary Workpackage ref: 520    Recommendations Approved

Bristol City Council entered into a contract with Perfect Circle to provide multi-disciplinary consultancy services to submit an Outline Planning Application with design codes for Hengrove Park. The application was taken to Development Control Committee on 27th February 2019 and refused by the Committee. Following discussions with the Cabinet Member for Housing, the Council will resubmit a new Outline Planning Application for Hengrove Park responding to the reasons for refusal.

Decision Maker: Director: Development of Place

Decision published: 30/04/2019

Effective from: 30/04/2019


Appoint Perfect Circle to submit a new Outline Planning Application with Design Codes for Hengrove Park, under the Council’s existing contract with Perfect Circle as a Supplementary Workpackage.

Lead officer: Louise Baker

17/04/2019 - Former Sea Mills Children’s Centre – Design and Contract Management of Refurbishment Work ref: 519    Recommendations Approved

To bring the property back into use to accelerate the provision of housing to meet the Mayors target of building 2000 homes a year – 800 affordable a year by 2020.

Decision Maker: Director: Adult Social Care

Decision published: 30/04/2019

Effective from: 17/04/2019


To enter into a contract with Perfect Circle JV Ltd to undertake
feasibility, design, planning and contract management of refurbishment works.

Lead officer: Terry Dafter

22/04/2019 - Contract Extension for Fibre ref: 518    Recommendations Approved

The current procurement is in process but has been delayed due to the complexity of requirements with the CCTV and the wider network and the growing importance of fibre and interdependencies across the council and the city, more time has been needed than anticipated to resource and write the requirements. The procurement is not expected to conclude until end of December 2019 and time may be needed for on-boarding any new supplier.

Decision Maker: Director: Management of Place

Decision published: 30/04/2019

Effective from: 22/04/2019


There is a need to extend the existing contract for Fibre with Select Electrics Ltd by up to 12 months in increments of 6 months plus 3 months plus 3 months, which would provide 12 months to end July 2020. This will allow for current OJEU procurement process to run and on-boarding/implementation period. This extension has a value increase of £400K, which is 10% of the contract value of £4 Million.

Lead officer: Louise Baker

26/04/2019 - Bore trials on Cattle Market Road ref: 517    Recommendations Approved

Bristol City Council entered into a conditional Sale Agreement with the University of Bristol for sale of the Cattle Market Road site and a portion of the Temple Island site for development of the University’s new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus. The sale is conditional on a number of issues being resolved by BCC, including works on site in preparation of future development; this includes demolition of the former sorting office building and ground works.
During the preconstruction and enabling works phases, site trials revealed the construction of the basement to the former sorting office building to be more complex than could be envisaged, and is further complicated by proximity to the Grade I listed Network Rail station and floating harbour, affecting methodology for removal.
The Council has been working in collaboration with the University of Bristol to identify a more efficient solution to the site works in order to minimise cost and risk to the Council. Site trials are required to verify an alternative methodology to resolve the issues around the existing basement, which could result in a more efficient solution.

Decision Maker: Director: Economy of Place

Decision published: 29/04/2019

Effective from: 26/04/2019


Approval for additional budget of £140,000 to allow critical site trials to take place on the Cattle Market Road site; these investigations will inform the methodology for subsequent works to the basement of the former sorting office building, and could result in a significant overall saving due to a more efficient methodology being adopted
Approval for variation to the existing contract with Kier Construction Limited by £140,000 in association with the above site trials
Approval to receive income of £140,000 in association with the above site investigations

Lead officer: Louise Baker

25/04/2019 - Video Management system and Interfaces Support and Maintenance Contract ref: 516    Recommendations Approved

As a result of a competitive procurement a new supplier will be in place for this 4 year contract as awarding to the supplier whom scored the highest against the published evaluation criteria.

Decision Maker: Director: Management of Place

Decision published: 29/04/2019

Effective from: 25/04/2019


Following a competitive tender for Video Management System and interface support and maintenance, a 4 year contract is to be placed with Tyco Fire

Lead officer: Louise Baker