- List outside bodies Content
Outside bodies
There are a number of organisations which are independent from the council, but have an impact on its service areas.
In order that the council can maintain effective partnerships with a number of these organisations, representatives of the council, usually elected councillors, sit on the various committees and forums that are responsible for them.
To find out more about each outside body please click the following link. If you have any questions please contact
- Association of Public Service Excellence
- Avon Fire Authority
- Avon Pension Fund Committee
- Bristol Airport Consultative Committee
- Bristol Buildings Preservation Trust Limited
- Bristol Harbourside Forum
- Bristol Ideas
- Bristol in Bloom Community Association
- Bristol Music Trust Board
- Bristol PFI Limited
- Bristol Port Welfare Committee
- Bristol Shopping Quarter Forum
- Bristol Trust for the Deaf
- Bristol Water
- Bristol Women's Commission
- Bus Lane Adjudication Joint Committee
- Christchurch Exhibition Fund
- Clifton Suspension Bridge Trust
- Core Cities Cabinet
- Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
- Downs Committee
- Educational Foundation of Margaret Tindall (self nomination)
- First Corporate Shipping Limited (t/a The Bristol Port Company)
- Joint Local Access Forum
- Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership
- King George V Memorial Trust
- LGA Emergency Planning
- Lifeskills - Learning for Living (Members no longer required)
- Local Authority Governor Recruitment Panel
- Local Government Association - General Assembly
- Local Government Association - Public Transport Consortium of Local Authorities
- Local Government Information Unit
- Lower Severn Drainage Board
- PATROL - Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London (previously known as Joint Committee for Civil Enforcement of Parking and Bus Lanes)
- Police and Crime Panel
- Portbury Sea Wall Commission
- Severn Estuary Partnership
- South Bristol Sports Centre Trust (self nomination)
- South West Councils
- South West Councils Employers Panel
- Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
- The Bristol Port Company (First Corporate Shipping Limited)
- University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
- University of Bristol - Court
- Visit West (formerly Destination Bristol)
- We the Curious
- Wessex Regional Flood and Coastal Committee
- West of England Combined Authority - Business Board
- West of England Combined Authority - Planning and Housing Board
- West of England combined Authority - Skills Board
- West of England Combined Authority - Transport Board
- West of England Combined Authority Audit Committee
- West of England Combined Authority Business and Skills Advisory Board
- West of England Combined Authority Committee
- West of England Combined Authority Joint Planning & Housing and Transport Board
- West of England Combined Authority Overview & Scrutiny Committee
- West of England Joint Committee
- West of England LEP Infrastructure and Place Group (IPG) - Check active
- West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Board
- Women's Commission